At The Square

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Me and Benny have joined Uncle Valjean, Cosette and Bernadette . I see Marius looking at my twin sisters and I smile at that. I think they will be a good match. Is the Thenardier's and they are trying to get Uncle Valjean to fall for one of their tricks but he won't fall for that.

Me, Cosette, Bernette and Benny walk away while Uncle Valjean talks to them. I see my sister and Marius have locked eyes again. Uncle Valjean: Girls and Benny. Cosette: Papa. Benny, Me and Bernadette: Uncle Valjean. Cosette and Bernadette: Stop It! Uncle Valjean had his back to Javert and we were all standing in front of him. Uncle Valjean grabbed us and said come on.

We moved and after that Benny told Uncle Valjean that we had to go. Uncle Valjean: Be careful of both of you. Benny & Me: We will Uncle Valjean. Marius asked Éponine to find out where Bernette lives.

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