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Marius and Bernadette's Wedding is held 2 days before Neville and Cosette's wedding. The reception is held at the castle. We see all of our family and some of our friends here. I can see that Marius and Bernadette will have a long and happy life together and that they will always be there for one another and that they will never let each other down and that they will work through their problems together and not apart from one another. Neville and Cosette, newly married, are walking towards Neville's house through an aisle created by wedding guests.Carriages line the street. Wedding Guest: Ring out the bells.Upon this day of days! May all the angels.Of the Lord above.In jubilation.Sing their songs of praise! And crown this blessed time.With peace and love! 

Waltz music plays as Neville and Cosette lead the dancing at the wedding reception. As the dance proceeds, two extraordinary figures enter, and start helping themselves to the drink and the food. They are Thenardier and his wife, dressed up for high society. Majordomo: The Baron and Baroness du Thenard. They look round as the dance continues, highly satisfied with themselves and see Neville. Thenardier makes a mock-formal bow. Thenardier: I forget where we met...Was it not at the Chateau Lafarge. Where the Duke did that Puke. Down the Duchess's decolletage? Neville: No, 'Baron du Thenard', The circles I move in are humbler by far...Go away, Thenardier! Do you think I don't know who you are? Madame Thendier: He's not fooled! Told you so! Show M'Sieur what you've come here to show. Tell the boy what you know! Thenardier: Pity to disturb you at a feast like this. But 500 francs surely wouldn't come amiss. Neville: In God's name say what you have to say. 

Madame Thenardier: (To Thenardier) He speaks. (To Neville) You pay! Thenardier: What I saw, clear as light, Jean Valjean & Prince Benny in the sewers that night, Had these corpses on their backs. Some boys they'd killed in a vicious attack. I was there, never fear! Even found me this fine souvenir! He shows off his ring. Neville stares in astonishment. Neville: I know this! This was Marius'! This is surely some heavenly sign! Thenardier steals the ring back. Thenardier: And there's more! Mark this well -It was the night that the barricades fell. Neville: Then it's true! Then I'm right! Jean Valjean was Marius' saviour that night!

Thenardier looks Neville to where Cosette stands among their friends. He lowers his voice. Thenardier: Jean Valjean - the old con. You pay up and I'll say where he's gone. He takes out money and reluctantly presses it into Thenardier's hands. Madame Thenardier takes the money before Thenardier has safely pocketed it. Neville: Not so loud! Here's for you. God forgive us the things that we do. Madame Thenardier: How's about some extra. On a day so glad. Our little orphan girl. She hasn't done so bad. Raised in a convent. Cash to spare -We want our share. 

Neville hands over yet more money to Madame Thenardier. Thenardier: Quite the little nun, ain't she! Crack! Thenardier sinks to the ground, felled by a powerful blow from an angered Neville. The band stops playing. Neville: Where is he? Thenardier: The convent. Neville rushes to Cosette, Marius, Bernadette, Enjolras and Odette and we see him telling them where Valjean is. 

They all hurry away. Thenardier clambers to his feet, helped by his wife. He gestures to the band to continue. They stand by the tiered wedding cake. As Thenardier recovers his composure, Madame Thenardier steals one then two pillars from the cake so it collapses on the floor. She then pushes it under the table with her foot. 

Thenardier & Madame Thenardier: Keep your wits about you. And you stand on top! Thenardier: Masters of the land. Madame Thenardier: Always get our share. Thenardier & Madame Thenardier: Clear away the barricades. And we're still there! We know where the wind is blowing. Money is the stuff we smell -And when we're rich as Croesus, Jesus! Won't we see you all in hell! As they are thrown out, the Thenardiers steal a tiara and a candlestick.

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