Valjean's Confession

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Neville stands before Valjean, alone in this more private room. Neville: M'sieur, this is a day. I never can forget. Is gratitude enough. For giving me Cosette? Your home shall be with us.And not a day shall pass.But we will prove our love.To you, whom we shall call.A father to us both,A father to us all. Valjean: Not another word, my son.There's something now that must be done...He's prepared himself to make this confession, but it's still hard. 

Valjean:There lived a man whose name was Jean Valjean. He stole some bread to save his sister's son. For nineteen winters served his time. In sweat he washed away his crime. Neville hears this with shock. Valjean: Years ago, He broke parole and lived a life apart... How could he tell Cosette and break her heart? It's for Cosette this must be faced. If he is caught, she is disgraced... The time has come to journey on,And from this day he must be gone! Who am I? Who am I? Neville: You're Jean Valjean! Neville can't conceal that he's disturbed by this revelation.Neville: Monsieur, you cannot leave! Whatever I tell my beloved Cosette. She will never believe me. 

Valjean: Make her believe. I have gone on a journey. A long way away.Tell her my heart was too full for farewells -It is better this way. Promise me, Monsieur, Cosette will never know...Neville: I give my word. Valjean:..What I have spoken, why I must go. Neville: For the sake of Cosette, it must be so. 

A waiting cab. Valjean comes out of the modest lodging house and gets in. The cab rattles away down the street. Valjean sits gazing far away at nothing. Then his weary eyes close.Cosette gazes at Neville, bewildered by what she has just learned. Cosette: Where's he gone without a word. That wouldn't be his way to go. Neville: All he asked for me to say He's on a journey, far away. Dear Cosette, he loves you so Perhaps he will return some day. Cosette comes into Neville's arms, tears in her eyes. Cosette: He can't leave us now. What's our wedding day. Without him giving me away?

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