At Rue Plumet

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Bernette is pacing in Cosette's bedroom. It's a pretty room, the best room in this small summer house. Cosette's shutters are open, giving a view of a wild unkempt garden. She looks at herself in a mirror, aware of her looks perhaps for the            

first time. Bernadette: How strange -This feeling that my life's begun at last! This change -Can people really fall in love so fast? What's the matter with you, Bernadette? Have you been too much on your own? So many things unclear -So many things unknown...In my life. There are so many questions and answers That somehow seem wrong. In my life There are times when I catch in the silence The sigh of a faraway song And it sings Of a world that I long to see -Out of reach Just a whisper away Waiting for me! Does he know I'm alive? Do I know if he's real? Does he see what I see? Does he feel what I feel? In my life I'm no longer alone -Now the love in my life Is so near...Find me now! Find me here!

Valjean knocks and opens her door. He closes her shutters. Valjean: Dear Bernette, You're such a lonely child.How pensive, how sad you seem to me. Believe me, were it within my power I'd fill each passing hour. How quiet it must be, I can see, With only me for company. Bernadette: There's so little I know That I'm longing to know Of the man that you were In a time long ago...There's so little you say Of the life you have known, Why you keep to yourself, Why we're always alone. So dark! So dark and deep,The secrets that you keep! In my life Please forgive what I say. You are loving and gentle and good. But Uncle Valjean, dear Uncle Valjean, In your eyes I am not like Cosette who was lost in a wood. Valjean: No more words - No more words  It's a time that is dead. There are words That are better unheard, Better unsaid Bernadette: In my life I'm no longer a child and I yearn For the truth that you know Of the years... Years ago!

Valjean leaves and goes into his own bedroom. A simple wooden shack at the back of the summerhouse, Valjean himself lives with spartan simplicity - he has given the best room to Cosette & Bernadette. Bernadette follows. Valjean sits on his bed, his back to Bernadette. Valjean: You will learn.Truth is given by God To us all in our time,In our turn. Marius and Enjolras rushes down the street, Eponine following. At the far end is the walled garden behind which lies Valjean's  house. Marius & Enjolras: In my life She has burst like the music of Angels The light of the sun! And my life seems to stop As if something is over And something has scarcely begun! Eponine, you're the friend Who has brought me here. Thanks to you I am one with the Gods And heaven is near! And I soar through a world that is new, That is free! Eponine: Every word that he says Is a dagger in me! In my life There's been no one like him anywhere, Anywhere, where he is  If he asked... I'd be his! Marius, Enjolras & Eponine: In my life There is someone who touches my life.

Marius: (sees Bernadette in the garden) Waiting near!  Eponine: Waiting here! Marius: A heart full of love! Bernadette sees Marius. She comes up the garden path towards him. She sees Eponine by Marius's side. She sees another boy by Marius' side (that must be the by Odette talks about). Marius: A heart full of song! I'm doing everything all wrong -Oh God, for shame - I do not even know your name. Dear Mad'moiselle,Won't you say? Will you tell? Bernadette holds the wrought-ironwork of the gate with both hands, eyes on Marius. Eponine looks on and suffers. Marius wraps his hands round Bernadette's. Bernadette: A heart full of love! No fear, no regret! Marius: My name is Marius Pontmercy. Bernadette: And mine's Bernadette. Marius: Bernadette... I don't know what to say -Bernadette: Then make no sound. Marius: I am lost -Bernadette: I am found! Marius: A heart full of light - Bernadette/Marius: A night bright as day - Marius: And you must never go away, Bernadette- Bernadette!

Enjolras: What is the other Mad'moiselle name that was with you Mad'moiselle. Bernadette: Odette she is my twin sister. Enjolras: Do you know where she is. Bernadette: She is at home asleep. Enjolras: Okay thank you. Bernadette: Your welcome sir. Bernadette: This is a chain we'll never Break. Marius: Do I dream? Bernadette: I'm awake. Marius: A heart full of love - Eponine: He was never mine to lose Why regret What could not be? Bernadette: A heart full of you -Eponine: These are words he'll never say Not to me, not to me. Not for me! Marius: A single look and then I knew! Bernadette: I knew it too!

Eponine: His heart full of love..  Marius: From today -Eponine: He will never feel this way. Bernadette: Every day... Marius/Bernadette For it isn't a dream -Not a dream After all! Niclaus comes to the door. Niclaus: Bernadette! Bernadette! Bernadette turns and runs into the house. Niclaus walks down the overgrown garden path to the gate. Marius moves quickly away, instinctively nervous of discovery, and hides behind the wall. Valjean peers into the shadows. He senses that perhaps Bernadette has been talking to someone. He looks pensive.

Valjean returns inside. Bernadette has dropped a keepsake through the gate. Marius picks it up. Marius makes his way back down the street, filled with thoughts of his love. Completely forgetting Eponine is there. Shadows move up the street from the other direction. It's Thenardier and his gang. They gather at the wrought-iron gate. Valjean comes running into Cosette's room. Valjean takes the girls in his arms.

Valjean: My God, Cosette & Bernadette! I heard a cry in the dark. I heard the shout of angry voices in the street. Cosette: Three men we saw beyond the wall... Valjean: This is a warning to us all! These are the shadows of the past! He moves away to his own bedroom. Valjean: Must be Javert. He's found my cover at last. I've got to get Cosette & Bernadette & Niclaus away Before he returns. He comes back to Cosette & Bernadette. We must get away from shadows. That will never let us be. Tonight we leave Cosette, Bernadette & Niclaus!

Cosette & Bernadette: To where? Valjean: Bernadette & Niclaus are to go back to the castle and for us Cosette we will go to  Rue de L'Homme Armee. Cosette: No! No! Valjean: And then a ship across the sea. Valjean: Hurry, Cosette, Bernadette & Niclaus! Prepare to leave, And say no more. Tonight we'll away!  Bernadette: No! Please no! We can't go! Valjean: Hurry, Bernadette! It's time to close another door And live another day!

Valjean leaves to start packing. Feverishly, Bernadette scribbles a letter. Bernadette hurries down the garden to the gate, and goes to  put the folded letter in the grill where her and Marius' hands entwined. Then she sees Eponine. Eponine steps forward. She thrusts her letter into her hand. Bernadette: Please give this to Marius! He must know where to find me. She runs back inside. Eponine crumples up the letter. She walks sadly away down the street. Rain is just starting to fall.

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