Barricade Part 1

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(AN: Scroll down to the bottom and click on the external link and listen to songs while you read the chapter.)

The students as they burst into their home street. They have been joined by a motley collection of citizens including burghers and an old eccentric man Father Mabeuf who works as hard as anyone. They raid a fencing shop and a gun shop for weapons, they force wives to give up their husbands' muskets and chalk up the debt to the revolution on their front doors, they encourage homeowners to contribute furniture sometimes appearing at high windows to help overcome any reluctance. Soon the street is raining tables, chairs, mattresses, sofas. 

They smash streetlamps. They set to work to build their barricade. Students commandeer an omnibus which is overturned to form the barricade's heart. Three students arrive in the street hauling an uprooted tree. They pull up paving stones, rip boards, timbers and front doors from house and shop-fronts, pull down buttresses, and raid the Cafe Musain, systematically stripping it of every item of furniture despite the lamentations and protestations of Madame Hucheloup and her barmaid. 

As the barricade rises they bring down from the first floor of the cafe the rifles and ammunition they've gathered, to prepare to defend their chosen ground. A student stands on a stone post distributing weapons. They line the first and second floor front rooms with paving stones to create protected shooting positions. The inside of the barricade is built neatly with steps up made from paving stones. The outside is a crazy knarled mess. 

Julius: Here upon these stones. We will build our barricade.In the heart of the city. We claim as our own. Each man to his duty. And don't be afraid. A man in worker's clothing is helping build the growing barricade,. He wears the insignia of the rebels, and keeps his head down. Julius: Wait! I will need a report. On the strength of the foe. The man who's just arrived looks up. It's Javert. Javert: I can find out the truth! I know their ways, Fought their wars, Served my time. In the days. Of my youth. He slips away through the barricade, which is still rising. Prouvaire: See! The people unite! Grantaire: Pray your right. Combeferre: Dogs will bark! Gavroche: Fleas will bite! Lesgles: They will do what is right. 

The barricade is now complete: an impressive wall up to twelve feet high, with one heavily guarded section that can be wheeled open to allow access. Two smaller barricades protect the left and right side of the cafe. Julius climbs halfway up the main barricade and turns to his little army. Grantaire prises the final piece of Madame Hucheloup's furniture from her arms - her favourite sewing armchair - and adds it to the barricade. As the men sing she steals it back definitely. 

Julius: Red, the blood of angry men! All: Black, the dark of ages past! Red, a world about to dawn! Black, the night that ends at last! It is night. The students have been waiting for hours. A single flaming torch atop the barricade caged in by cobbles underlights a fluttering red flag. There is no sign yet of any opposition. A boy climbs down from sentry duty on the barricade. Marius realizes its Eponine. She sits down with her back to him. Joly, sentry on the main barricade, sees a figure approach. Joly: He's back! Javert, still in his disguise as a rebel, is let back through the guarded 'gate' into the barricaded street. 

Javert: Listen, my friends, I have done as I said.I have been to their lines, I have counted each man. I will tell what I can. Better be warned. They have armies to spare. And our danger is real -We will need all our cunning. To bring them to heel. Julius: Have faith! If you know what their movements are. We'll spoil their game.There are ways that a people can fight - We shall overcome their power! Javert: I have overheard their plans.There will be no attack tonight.They intend to starve you out. Before they start a proper fight -Concentrate their force, Hit us when it's light Gavroche: Liar! 

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