Chapter Twenty-One

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I walked down the halls beside Loki. He held onto my arm in a courtly manner.

I was meeting the king and queen of Asgard. I was meeting my boyfriend's parents. For some reason, the latter scared me more than the former. What if they didn't like me? Would they force Loki and I to break up? I wasn't even royal! I doubted I was a suitable selection in their eyes.

Loki looked at me.

They'll love you, he said into my mind. And it does not matter if you are royal or not. They could never keep me away from you. Besides, Jane is not royal, either.

I calmed down a bit at that, but the nerves still lingered. Thor joined us on our walk to the throne room. He didn't say anything, probably sensing that if I opened my mouth I might throw up.

We reached the big, golden doors of the throne room in no time.

"Remember, just be respectful. Be yourself," Loki murmured.

I took a deep breath and the doors opened. I looked to the end of the room. A beautiful woman who radiated kindness sat upon a throne. I knew that this was Frigga, Loki's mother. A man, who I assumed to be Odin, sat on a golden throne next to her. He had a beard and an eyepatch. Odin looked at me and I quickly looked away, too nervous to keep eye contact. Loki led me to the centre of the room. He let go of my arm and bowed, along with Thor. I curtsied as best I could, wobbling only slightly.

"Rise," Odin said.

I rose and looked at the King of Asgard.

"Who is this?" Odin asked, gesturing to me.

"This is Lady y/n," Thor said. "She requires Mother's help."

I looked to Frigga, seeing her already looking at me. She smiled warmly at me, and I smiled back.

"What does y/n need my help with?" Frigga asked, gracefully standing up and descending the stairs.

"There was... an incident on Midgard. I think it would be better if we talked in private," Loki said, addressing his mother.

"What kind of incident?" Odin asked sharply.

"Nothing big. It included y/n," Loki said simply.

Odin looked at his adopted son with the kind of face that said, 'are you serious?'

I looked at Loki. His whole demeanour seemed to have changed since entering the throne room. He seemed more tense and on edge.

"What happened?" Odin asked again, addressing Thor.

"Y/n went through a bit of trouble and needs Mother's help," Thor said.

I smiled slightly. I didn't know if Thor was not telling Odin for Loki or my sake, but either way I was thankful.

Odin looked like a boiling kettle, so I intervened.

"Your majesty, I... uh... I sort of have these powers and some evil guys made it uncontrollable, so I need help controlling it," I said quickly.

Loki looked at me shocked, as if I had done something stupid. Thor also looked shocked, while Frigga looked amused.

Odin was speechless. I mean, I had been respectful; I called him your majesty.

"Alright," Odin said eventually. "You may go."

Loki held his arm out to me, and I slipped mine into his. He led me out of the throne room and Thor and Frigga followed. Once we were out of the throne room, Frigga embraced her sons.

"It is so lovely to see you again," she said, kissing Loki on the cheek.

She then turned to me. I went to curtsy, but she hugged me instead. I hugged back, slightly surprised.

"So, y/n, what's this about your power?" she asked me, beckoning me to follow her.

I told her the story of my siblings and HYDRA. I told her about the limiters and how they kept my power in check. Frigga listened, nodding every now and then. I finished my story as we reached another set of doors. She opened them and we entered an empty room, save for a table and four chairs. Frigga told us all to sit. I sat beside Loki while Thor sat beside Frigga.

"Now," Frigga began, "do you know the difference between magic and power?" she asked.

I shook my head no, and Thor did the same.

"Magic is something that can be learned," she explained. "Loki has magic and power, and Thor has power. Power is something that you are born with or given. You cannot learn it, and you cannot get rid of it."

I nodded, understanding the concept.

"Now, how powerful are you?" she asked.

I wasn't sure how to respond.

"Very," Loki answered for me. "Probably more powerful than Thor."

Thor and I snorted in sync.

"I'm not joking," Loki said.

"Hold up, seriously?" I asked, looking at Loki incredulously.

He nodded and I looked back to Frigga who seemed amused by our interaction.

"Can I see?" Frigga asked.

I nervously nodded, and proceeded to show her the fire, air, water, earth, and lightning powers I possessed. Loki conjured a dagger for me, and I bent it before reverting it back to normal.

Frigga nodded.

"Can I see the full extent? Without the limiters," she clarified at my confused expression.

"Oh, I... no." I said bluntly. "I could hurt you. I can't control it."

"You won't hurt me," she assured me.

I hesitated.

"You can have the limiters within easy reach," she said.

When I still hesitated, she put a magic shield up, showing me that she was protected.

I reluctantly stood up and walked halfway across the room before carefully taking the limiters off.

The last time I had them off, it hurt like hell. Now, there was no pain. Fire, ice, water, lightning, and leaves encircled me like a tornado. I tried to turn it off, but it wouldn't. I took a deep breath.

Stop, please, I thought.

Everything stopped swirling. Fire still danced through the air, but not in a tornado-like fashion. Water droplets hung in mid-air and ice glittered throughout the room. Lightning zapped around me, and I watched it move.

Frigga stood up, amazed by what she saw. She took a step towards me, getting closer and closer to the shield. A wave of anxiety for her safety washed over me and I lost control. The tornado began again, before my power rushed through the room in a wave. It pounded against the shield.

I quickly put the limiters back on, and everything disappeared.

Frigga looked at me with wonder in her eyes.

"I have never seen..." she trailed off, still amazed.

I laughed nervously.

"I can help you," Frigga finally said. "I will teach you to control this power."

I smiled at her, ready to begin my journey.


I just love writing about Asgard. And Frigga. I love Frigga.

Anyways thank you for reading chapter 21, lovelies! I hope you enjoyed it. If you could comment and vote that would be amazing! Thank you!

P.S. Meme isn't mine <3


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