Chapter 4

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             Everyone stared at Tessa as if she were some crazy ghosts in some whacked out dream. Maybe that is just how she felt portrayed. An elderly woman gave her a plate with fruit and meat. "She says you must eat for your strength. She says you are too thin like your mother." The old woman continues to talk in another unknown language. "She is very pleased to meet the daughter of Adam and Melana. They helped us a great deal so much wisdom from such young minds. They are missed a great deal here. Are you a healer as well?" The young girl who is translating asked pleasantly. "I honestly don't know I know somethings but I just don't remember. The only thing I know is I'm Tessa apparently of the sky landers." Tessa said as if she stretched out her hand to shake her new friends hand.

"I'm Chloe and this is my grandmother Roca. She raised me I am better healer than a tinker or scout." "Oh is that what you parents do?" Tessa understanding the villages all dabble separately to do their profession. " My parents were. They were captured and tortured by the Tentoria and only found in pieces randomly through the outlands ." Chloe sad sadly. "Ya, that seems to happen a lot of that going on. Well I do thank you both for the food, the warm welcome and the kindness. I look forward to getting to know more about you both soon." Both women smiled sweetly to Tessa and Emmitt. As Tessa looked around she could identify numerous things and it started to bother her that she could tell and know what those things were and what they're used for but couldn't remember where she came from.

Knowing now what she has learned in the short time being here she was starting to wonder if she really wanted to remember. What good has it done her to get her here alone. Abandoned and orphaned. "This is where Luca works" Emmitt said as he opened the tent entrance for her to go into. "Shall we?" He smiled. "I guess." Tessa said with a chuckle thankful for Emmitt making the attitude surrounding them lighter. "Ah, good morning my dear child. I trust you your wounds have healed?" "Yes, they have. Thank you." "I hope you were not concerned with your safety after last night?"

"No. I feel safe and calm." The strange thing was is she did. She felt calm and sane under the pressure of combat. "How is Shayla?" Tessa asked eating a piece of fruit of her breakfast plate. "As well as can be expected. We burn Sage tonight. You are welcome to stay and celebrate her." "I would love that." "So we have some things we are going to do to you to try to help you open your memory to what you have lost. Some or most of this will be painful." Luca said sorrowfully. "Mentally or physically?" Tessa asked confused looking to both the men. "Both, and they will push your to your limits in both ways to." Emmitt said stealing a piece of fruit from her plate.

"Ok, well I am as ready as I'll ever be let's get started." Tessa said eagerly. "No." Emmitt answered her back. You need at least a day of rest before we start the process you have been through much these last few days. We will start small and we will walk and show you boundaries of the land and I will take you to your parents' home see if anything jogs your memory there. They kept their journals and stools and other stuff you may remember. It's mainly kept as a shrine." "Yes, Emmitt has studied much of the journals and with them." Luca laughed.

"Your people thought very highly of the outsiders. I hope I do not disappoint them." "You saved Shayla and helped Sage and saved Luca within your first few of hours of not even knowing your name or not even being awake no less I say you're looking pretty good in our societies eyes about now." "Really I much rather learn of my parents things another day. I'm...just not ready." She felt angry towards the highly praised outsiders who came her to help others but left her like a lamb to the wolves. "ok, there's no rush this is all a process and you will come to things in your own time young one." Luca said cupping her cheek tenderly. "Maybe venture to Malik side of the fence you seem to be quite confident in battle maybe a little bit of training will due for that day in case we run into any more shadows or Heartless you may have more of an advantage."

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