Chapter 17. April

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It was now April and winter had ended, the snow was melted and trees were budding all around the grounds. It had been raining a lot so most days were spent indoors, snuggling with pets, playing games and studying for end of year exams.

Fred and Scarlett were spending a particularly stormy day in the blue common room. Scarlett was getting some reading in while Fred planned things for his Weasley Products. Scarlett enjoyed listening to Fred talk about and demonstrate his products, his creativity interested her. On the other hand Fred enjoyed when Scarlett would finish a book and rant about it for hours.

Scarlett was sprawled out across the couch as Fred was on the floor next to her. The pattering of the rain outside was one of Scarlett's favorite sounds. It was peaceful and perfect for reading, until Fred had decided to be bored.

"Scar, we need to do something exciting. I know your bookworm tendencies have forced you to stay in here all day, but we should go find something to explore."

Scarlett knew she wouldn't be able to get any reading done with Fred whining, "Well I have an idea." she closed her book, "ever been on the roof?"

Fred's eyes widened, "No I most certainly have not been on the roof! You're telling me we have been dating for almost six months, and you have never taken me to the roof?"

Scarlett giggled, "It's dangerous and I've only been on once."

"Darling, danger is my middle name. You're taking me on the roof as soon as the rain stops, because I'm not slipping."

She had totally forgotten about the fact it was raining, but luckily she had another idea. "We could prank our lovely friends in the Gryffindor common room."

"Who are you and what have you done to my girlfriend?"

Scarlett explained the prank she had in mind. They were going to convince their friends they had broken up.

Soon they were standing outside of the room, Fred was going to go in first and storm up to his room. Shortly after she was gonna come in pretending to be angry and searching for him.

Fred walked into the room, she could hear the people gathered in the common room question him but he just continued through to his dorm.

A couple minutes later Scarlett went in, an angry glare plastered on her face, "Has my prat of a boyfriend been in here?" She sneered to the group.

"Yeah he's in his dorm, is everything alright?" Luna told the girl with worried eyes.

She began walking towards the stairs, "No everything's not alright. The bloody git just stormed off in the middle of a serious conversation."

She walked up the stairs and began yelling at Fred loud enough for everyone to hear, they brought the yelling down the stairs to the middle of the room. "You never listen to me Fred!"

"Maybe if you were the least bit interesting I would!"

"Oh you wanna talk about something interesting? All you ever want to do is sit around and work on your pranks! It gets old!"

Everyone was staring at them with wide eyes, unsure of what to do. "Yeah, well at least I have goals! You've got your face shoved in a book all day, you hardly notice the world around you!"

"Well maybe you should find a new girlfriend then!"

Fred was holding back laughter, "MAYBE I WILL!"



The group that littered the furniture in the common room was speechless as Fred pretended to walk angrily to his dorm and Scarlett to the portrait. Luna was the first to start giggling. Everyone looked at her with an expression that screamed "what the hell". The girl explained, "If Scarlett wanted to break up with Fred, she wouldn't be screaming at him in the middle of the common room."

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