Chapter 33. Revenge

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November faded into December and many things had happened since the night on the roof. That whole ordeal had brought the couple closer together, both now more comfortable sharing secrets and opening up more frequently. Scarlett still struggled for a bit after that, but Fred made sure she never harmed herself and didn't skip meals.

The detention they served was awful. Umbridge forced them to write, "I will follow the rules," over and over again with her enchanted quill. By the time they finished the detention Scarlett's hand was burning and the pain was unbearable.

Fred's was the same, but both made a silent agreement. Not a single whimper or noise came out of them the whole time. Their faces stayed blank and emotionless as the skin on their hands broke. Umbridge was rather bothered by this, most students were in tears by the time they could leave.

The couple were pleased with themselves, not giving the pink devil the reaction she so desperately wanted. When they were finally free to go they went to Fred's dorm and used his first aid kit to cover the wounds.

Neville and Scarlett had a lot of training time in the woods, and Neville was making amazing progress. He had mastered all the spells Harry taught and was quickly becoming one of the best in the class.

Scarlett herself had also become really good at the spells, even being able to do some silently. Sometimes during the meetings Scarlett had to switch partners from Fred because he was very distracting, in more ways than one. Despite this Harry had managed to give her confidence in passing the O.W.L.s through the training.

When one month of successfully having the leaf under tongue came, full moon to full moon. Scarlett continued with the next step. She took the mandrake leaf from under her tongue, instantly it felt weird not having it there.

She'd gotten really used to it. Uncapping the crystal phial, she quickly placed the saliva filled leaf and a strand of her black hair in it.

After seven days of the odd mixture sitting under her bed, she added the moth chrysalis. It had to be placed in a quiet and dark space. Scarlett decided the best place for it to be was under the futon in the treehouse.

Now she had to wait. The next big step would take place on the day of the next electrical storm. After talking to the astronomy teacher, checking muggle weather reports and reading the paper, Scarlett felt confident the next storm wouldn't be until after Christmas when she was back at school.

Until this time she had to get up at sunrise every day. This was something Scarlett hated, but did anyway as it was vital for the transformation to work.

Every day at sunrise and sunset Scarlett had to place the tip of her wand to her heart and say, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus." Sometimes Fred would be there to observe, but often she did it by herself in an empty room.

Everything had been going well so far and the Irish girl hoped to keep it that way. The month of December was Scarlett's favorite, she loved the festivity. She also loved cuddling with Fred on the common room couch, drinking hot chocolate and listening to carols or reading.

Scarlett's holiday season was to say the least spectacular, but it was almost ruined in a simple letter.

Dearest Scarlett,

    Your father and I have some unfortunate news. This year for Christmas you can't come home. We are being forced to take an unexpected business trip to Canada, by the time you see this we'll already be there.

There's nothing we can do, but we have some news that'll probably brighten your and Fred's mood. We have arranged with Molly Weasley, (lovely woman by the way, we've been exchanging letters all year) that you'll be staying with them for break.

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