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-Chapter 1-
-Chilled's POV-

"Dammit,” I groaned, losing the game once again, "you actually suck Smarty,”  I hissed playfully.

Smarty laughed, his face billowing bright red as he struggled to contain his joy. Honestly this guy, he only won because I fell behind. All luck.

"I can't believe you fell for my trick, " Smarty managed to speak in between laughs, "almost unbelievable!"

Yet, I sucked just as much as him for falling for it. I cupped my face, losing was exhausting I thought to myself as I pushed my chair back from the table. It was the sixth time Smarty had tricked me. And most definitely the last tonight.

"You are such a dickhead,” I joked,” and an arsehole."

"Chilled, calm yourself,”  Smarty grinned widely,” one more game, come on,” he tried to bargain.

No, a big fat no, all I wanted was sleep at this point.

"No more games, it's like 2:17am. I'm sleeping,” I weakly insisted brushing my hair back,” thanks for the game man,” with a tired smile,” good night."

Actually, there was something bugging me.

"Of course,” his grin faltered briefly before he forced a wider smile, “night man.”

That, was bugging me. There was a reason Smarty wanted to play.

"Before I leave,” I spoke slowly catching his desperate gaze through the screen, “how are you and you know who?"

Not gonna lie but I gave up remembering Smarty’s partners. They never usually lasted long enough to matter to me. Smarty began to chew on his lip averting his chance from me, something’s clearly up,

"I, I don’t know man,” I heard a small sigh escape his lips breaking my heart a little, I truly wanted to be there for him but, “I’m gonna call Galm and ask him about it,” Smarty preferred to confide in Galm rather than me.

I couldn’t argue against that. I had little experience in relationships, especially troublesome ones,

"I understand,” I tilted by head with a chuckled, ”Galm is the better option for these types of things,”  as I avoided relationships like it the plague, “call me if you need a last resort."

This caused a smile on his face as he nodded,

"Thank you. Goodnight Chilled."

Goodnight Smarty, all I could hope is Galm has the answers to his questions. With a final wave, I hung up, I always enjoyed my time with that idiot. Though our friendship was short known, it felt like a life time despite how cliché that sounded. I considered him a good friend in my terms. But good friends didn’t stop me from becoming exhausted. I hastily shut down my computer, dragging my body from the chair. Forcing myself to strip to the bare necessities before flipping the lights off and flopping into bed. Thank god for comfort of sleep. I struggled to pull the covers over myself, bundling myself into the pillows. Tonight, was a cold one, I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep as soon as I'd like. I laid there, eyes open bathing in the quiet, while the darkness soaked me up. I hated this. The darkness made me want to pull myself apart. I, I can’t self-destruct, not now.

Panic ridden, I reached for my phone, automatically unlocking it with my thumb print. This is better. I can relax this way. Twitter boosted up as my phone tried to remember my recent activities. Maybe, maybe others were feeling the same?

'Anyone else confused why tonight is so lonely?' I tweeted with desperate thumbs, does anyone?

Instantly, my twitter notifications became wild as replies flew in from fans wishing a good night sleep or more, sending their compassion and, my eyes widened and some of the suggestions which were more, provocative than I would’ve preferred to have read. I should probably avoid hearing hose ones and stick with the more friendly ones. During hearing those, a new reply popped up from a familiar username causing a smile on my face.
'Aw Chilled, you need a good nights sleep to be prepared for what I have in stock for you tomorrow ;)'
I chuckled at his words, he has something in store for me tomorrow? It was unusually for Galm to have surprises, especially good ones, let alone extremely out of the blue and on such short notice. I wonder what it was one. Galm was nice, well, he’s kind but can be a real dick when he wanted to. I guess it truly makes sense though, he is friends with me and Smarty so whose to blame? I hearted Galm's reply. I feel a lot better after reading those. Maybe I can sleep now. Switching my phone off, placing it down on the bedside table. If anything, a surprise from Galm should make me fall asleep faster, in fear or excitement, I hadn’t decided yet. Upon closing my eyes, I began to feel true fatigue take over, my consciousness fading into sleep.

[edited] ZeRoyalChaos - The TruthDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora