Chapter 29

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Her father pushed her restraining order through with Matthew. He could not come near Angel unless they were in divorce proceedings. Even then, she just sent her lawyer to negotiate with his. He could have the house but no parts and no income from her business. That's the offer that was on the table, but he was still not accepting it. Matthew was looking for ways to prolong things so he could have that over her.

She was ready to move on with her life.

"So you're on the market for a new house?" Jared asked her while he was hanging out in her office.

"I don't like the idea of being homeless, so yes."

"Go stay with Hook, girl, get out of that man's house as soon as possible."

"Did you see his place? It the size of a postage stamp. Two bedrooms with one bathroom. The kitchen, you can barely turn around in, it's like my closet. And then when his kids are over, we're all cramped together. No, just no."

"I mean, y'all living together now, just get a bigger place together," Jared said.

"Ummm, no she won't," Shay added as she walked in carrying a pile of folders.

"Get out your sister's business," Jared said, taking the files from her and setting them on the table. "Glad I'm an only child."

"Angel, why would you even consider living with this man? He can't afford the type of place you want. So what will you do, move to the city?"

"What's wrong with living in the city?" she asked.

"What is right about it? The violence, the poverty, the-"

"Ashamed to be Black, huh?" Jared said. "Girl, people doing great things in the city, don't get it twisted. My frat does a lot of great things in the city. And it's very diverse, whereas out here, they look at us Black people like an oddity. St. Louis ain't that progressive."

"Anyway, I'm not saying I want Hook and me to live together," she said, "I do like having him there, protecting me and all. But once this is all over with Matthew, I can have my own space. Hook can have his own space and we can still spend time with each other."

"Hmmm," Jared said.

"What's the hmmm for?"

"This seems more serious than it was."

"We are serious. It's not, like it was at first. We just vibe together."

"He has mom and dad fooled, but not me. A guy like that, baby mommas on the side, you think he's not dipping back to them? Or have more babies out there he hasn't told you about?"

"That's not Hook. If you see him with his girls you would see that. Hook loves kids and he's great with them. He would claim any kid that was his."

"Yeah, you keep being the fool for that man," Shay said. "Tell me you're still on birth control so you don't get knocked up by him."

Angel rolled her eyes at her sister. "Shay, go all the way to hell for that. You know I don't want kids so I know how to handle that. And I'm not worried about Hook cheating on me."

"Yeah, he should be worried about this heffa," Jared said.

Angel threw her stapler right at his head. It brushed the side of his head and thudded on the floor.


"You're my best friend and you say that to me?"

"Truth hurts," he said, rubbing his head. "Literally. All I'm saying have a bad history of relationships here. You're the cheater. You're the one who can't stick with one man at one time. Check your track record, Ms. Thang."

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