Chapter 31

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Felt like a Mack truck hit her. Even though the bullet went through her side and didn't hit any major organ, she felt pain all over her body. They had to keep the pain meds coming. She wanted to sleep all day. They said she would be there a few more days, but she wanted to be home in bed.

Not at her home. She didn't think she would ever want to see the home she loved so much. No, not when her last image of it was Matthew laying on the floor dead.

She needed to clear all thoughts of that man from her brain. Erase everything about him. Move on with her life. And that life now included the man she loved, Hook. She wanted to be home in bed next to him. And home was wherever he was. If that meant his tiny little apartment well, so be it.

Too bad her parents had other plans for her. They could not wait to get her home to them. They were there every day fussing over her and asking the doctors many questions. After four days, she was finally released and they drove her right to their house.

"Now you need anything, my little Angel baby, take your phone and just text me. I'll come and get you whatever you need," her mother said, kissing her forehead as she lay in the bed.

"Mom, I can do things for myself. It's one little wound that is healing just fine."

"Oh hush now! You're my baby and I'm going to take care of you," she said, kissing her forehead again.

"I'm thirty-two."

"What's your point? I gave birth to you, you are my baby," she said, "You would understand that if you gave me a grandbaby."

She groaned and slid under the covers a bit.

"I think you and Hook would make nice babies. His dimples, your-"

"Mom! He already has two kids."

"I know, but none with you, and that man loves you!"

"I love him too," she said with a smile. "He's different. I didn't think I would ever fall for someone like him."

"Love is love honey, we can't control that," she said, rubbing her forehead. "You're a little warm. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I'm thirsty. Can I have some wine?"

"Now you know you can't with the meds you're on. I'll bring you some water," her mother said and then walked out of the room

"Fine," she said, grabbing her phone. She called Hook even though she knew he was at work.

"Hey baby," he said.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. You home now?"

"At my parents. Will you come out to see me tonight?"

"Now you know your parents live even further out than you. That's a long ass drive."

"I'm not worth it?"

"Baby, you're always worth it. I'll call you when I'm on my way."

She had plenty of time to take a nap and rest before Hook got off work.

When she finally woke up, her mother was hovering over her and it was kind of creepy.


"Hey Angel, you feeling okay? That was quite a nap."

"I don't know," she said, stretching but had to stop herself from that. It hurt. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Oh, close to five hours."

"Five hours? That's not a nap, that's deep sleep. Ugh! I'm so tired," she said, trying to sit up and her mother helped her.

"I know you're hungry. I have some dinner waiting for you. And you have a guest."

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