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I knew she was worried for me, but I already explained to her she can't do anything about my home life.

"I'm okay, Lillian, don't worry. I actually made a new friend." I tried changing the subject.

"Do you need some extra food? I have some fruit that I won't miss." She ignored my comment and tried helping me again.

Knowing I couldn't pass up that offer, I thanked her once again and gave her a hug. After I finished my sandwich, I walked over to the bread section again and picked out the cheapest one. I paid for it and walked back home to store the food and get ready to go to Skylers house.

She lived around a twenty minute walk away from me. When I arrived, I started to get nervous. Apart from Carter I don't really talk to anyone.

I rang the doorbell and waited. After a minute, I heard some noise and Skyler opened the door.

"Hi, Alex. Come inside please." I walked in and looked around. The house wasn't too big but it was a good size. I could still see some moving boxes to the side that had to be unpacked. I wish I had a house that came close to looking like this.

I followed her into the living room and gently sat down on her couch. I was still sore from yesterday and didn't want her to notice I was hurt. I don't need unnecessary questions.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asked me. I told her I would like some water so she went into her kitchen to grab the drinks.

"Thank you." I said once she came back with my water. She also grabbed herself some juice.

"You're welcome. So should we make the tutoring schedule first and then after watch a movie or something?" she suggested.

"Yes, I'm okay with that." I agreed.

We worked out a reasonable schedule and after that we made some small talk. Then we decided it was time to watch a movie.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" she said while turning on the TV to start up Netflix.


We were watching Fast and Furious when I felt her eyes on me. I turned to face her and she was a bit startled by me.

"Sorry, I-um, I just noticed that you hurt your lip. How did that happen?" she questioned me. I was afraid she would ask me about that.

I just looked down and shrugged. "I fell." I answered. She looked at me with an unsure expression. I knew that she didn't believe me but she didn't press any further, which I was thankful for.

We just finished the movie, when her mom came home.

She asked if I would like to stay for dinner. Don't get me wrong, I would never skip a free dinner. But it was already past five and I needed to be home at six. I said goodbye and thanked Skyler for letting me hang out with her.

I was walking home and looked at the time on my phone. It was 5:23 pm, so I had to hurry up a bit. I couldn't afford to be late again. I'm still healing from last time.

I continued walking home. It was already pretty dark outside. Right before I turned a corner I heard some harsh whispers. I knew that whatever was going on was none of my business and it was in my best interest to just continue walking but my stupid legs didn't listen.

I slowed down my pace and carefully looked around the corner to try and see what was going on.

I squinted my eyes and saw a couple of people who were further up into the alley. I could make out three guys. One was on the ground, and the other two were hovering over him. I tried to listen to what they were saying but it was very hard to hear. I could only make out some words.

"" It sounded like the one guy owed then money for something. I should really get out of here.

I turned around and started to walk away, when I heard a loud noise. I had to process what it was but after I turned back around to once again try to figure out what was going on, I saw one of the guys holding a gun out towards the man on the ground.

And that's when I knew I needed to get the fuck out of here. I started quietly walking backwards, when I tripped over a glass bottle. The bottle making a clanking noise. I cringed and looked at the man in front of me. They both turned their heads towards me.

My eyes widened and I quickly got up and started running for my life. After five minutes, I started slowing down thinking I lost them.

I looked back to make sure they weren't there anymore. I didn't see anyone. But just as I turned my head back around I bummed into something. I fell backwards, a little chocked at what happened.

That's when I looked up and saw one of the man looking down at me with a grin. I could now make out his features. He was wearing a tshirt and I could see his two tattoo arm sleeves. He had short hair and I could even make out a scar that went from his cheek to just underneath his eye.

Then the other guy walked up and stood beside him. He had a similar look but his hair went to his shoulders.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
The long haired man said. I started shaking a bit, my mind going crazy with things that could happen. The other guy reached down and grabbed me like I was nothing. I will admit that I was light weighted because of the lack of food in my body, but he made it seem too easy.

He slammed me harshly into a wall and my back lit up like fire. It hurt so much I let out a scream. "Please, let me go. I didn't see anything."

"You saying that tells me exactly the opposite. Besides, you have seen our faces." the long haired man said.

"We should have our fun with her and then dispose of her." the scarred one said. Tears started coming out of my eyes.

"No, let's just take her. We've already been out here for too long. We can't risk being seen by another person." The long haired one said and didn't leave any room for discussion. It seemed like he was either the smart one of the two or the one in charge.

He took out his pistol and pointed it at me...

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