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She looked at me with an expecting expression. "What is it?" She said.

"Well, my friend Ca-" She interupted me.

"Carter Jones. Your best friend. Yes, what about him?" I looked at her a bit shocked, but then remembered who she was and the connections she has.

"Um, well he asked me i-if he could meet you. But you're probably busy so, you don't have to." I started saying. She looked at me with an amusing expression.

"And when would he like to have this meeting?" She asked me. I looked down and mumbled "Tomorrow at 6:30 pm."

Blake chuckled at me, noticing how nervous I am. I can't help it, she makes me feel nervous no matter how hard I try not to be. She just gives off the powerfull vibe.

"Okay, well I'll have to check my calendar to see if I have the time then." She said.

I was about to say something but she beat me to it.

"I'm kidding. Of course I will meet him. I want to know who exactly this Carter is." She told me, making me anxious for them meeting.

I just nodded and thanked her and then quickly left the table, feeling a bit embarrassed.


I took a shower after dinner and went to my room. I drew some more and then decided to search for Emma.

I looked around for a bit before I finally found her in the movie room. She and Blake were cuddled up, watching a movie.

I didn't want to intrude, so turned around to walk away.

"Alex?" I heard Emma say. I looked back to see them both staring at me.

"Hi. Um I-I was looking for you, but I see you're busy so I'll go." I awkwardly told her.

"Wait, don't go. You can join us and watch the movie." She sweetly told me.

"I wouldn't want to intrude and-" I was going to say more but Blake cut me off again.

"Alex, come here." She told me. I just shut up and walked towards them. She patted the spot next to her and I sat down.

We were watching the movie and after some time, I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked down to see Blake's hand. I then looked at her to see that she was still watching the movie. Or at least facing the screen. I looked over at Emma to see her focused on the movie.

I slowly placed my hand on top off Blake's and waited for an reaction. Instead she just turned her hand around and interlaced her fingers with mine and started rubbing my hand with her thumb.

I smiled at the gesture and carefully layed against her side. That's when she unlocked her hand from mine and I thought I did something wrong. I held my breath, but then felt her arm going around me and now holding my waist. I relaxed against her and continued watching the movie.

After the movie was over, I decided to get ready for bed and go to sleep, hoping tomorrow's dinner is not going to end up with one of them being killed by the other...


The next day was pretty uneventful. I ate breakfast, then got ready for the day. I put on a tshirt with a flannel over it and some biker jeans. I also went for a walk outside, but still inside the property. Then lastly, after lunch I played some games with Emma and did some other stuff to pass the time.

Dinner time was approaching and it was almost time to go. I was really nervous. I hope everything is gonna go okay.

I walked into Blake's room to see if she was ready to go. That's when I saw her changing her shirt. My breath hitched at the sight. She had a beautiful dragon tattoo going from arcoss her back to her side. If you looked closely you cloud also see some bullet and knife scars, but it wasn't that noticeable because of the other tattoos on her body. She was like an artwork.

I didn't didn't even notice her looking at me. "I-I'm sorry I d-didn't mean to." I was turning red, having been caught staring.

She walked towards me after finishing putting on the shirt. I was scared that she would be angry and when I felt her hand on my cheek I flinched and closed my eyes, afraid that she was going to hit me.

Instead she just placed her soft hand on my cheek and sighed. I slowly opened my eyes to see her looking intensly at me. I could also see disappointment in her eyes.

"Are you afraid of me Ally?" She questioned. I was chocked at her gentle voice and the nickname she gave me. Nobody had called me that.

I looked up at her. "No, I'm not. It just, the memories..." I told her and looked down.

"It's okay. I understand. But just know that I would never hurt you." She told me.

"I believe you. And thank you, for everything you've done for me. I don't think I've told you yet how much I appreciate it. I could never repay you." I said to her and then hugged her.

"You don't have to repay me. And you didn't have to thank me for me to know how grateful you are. Now let's go to this dinner shall we."

Before we left, we said goodbye to Emma and Blake told her that we'll be back soon.

We didn't really talk on the way there. I actually think we were both a bit nervous. But I would never ask Blake if that is true. I looked at my phone to see that it was 6:20 pm. We would be a bit early and I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

We arrived at the vintage looking restaurant. We were the first to arrive so decided to take a table in the far back to have some more privacy.

On one side of the table there were two chairs and the other side was a couch because that side was placed against a wall.

We sat on the side with the couch, me getting seated first and then Blake next to me. Making me not able to get out unless she were to stand up. It kind of had a comforting feel to it. I felt safe, having her there beside me.

I was about to grab the menu, when I saw Carter walking into the restaurant...

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