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[Song title: Weight of the world - Citizen Soldier]

"You didn't have a choice baby." I told Alex, knowing that she was thinking about what happened. When she killed that man.

I never meant for that to happen. She was never supposed to get involved like that, but I guess it's unavoidable when you are involved with a gang.

"I didn't mean to. I just saw you and I saw him and then I saw the gun and it all happened so fast." She started telling me.

She's been a bit distant since everything happened. We haven't really talked about everything. She also hasn't been sleeping that well, which is understandable. She never should have gone through what she went through.

All I can do is just focus on my healing and making sure that she knows I'm there for her.

"I know baby, it's okay. We can put it behind us now alright?" I said, while making circle motions on her skin with my thumb to calm her down.

"Can we go on our date this Saturday?" She asked quietly after a bit. I smiled.

"Of course we can Ally." I told her, while turning her head a bit and kissing her gently.

After we washed each other, we got out of the bath and put some comfortable clothes on.


*Alex's POV

After we had dinner, I spent some time hanging out with Emma. I teached her some drawing techniques.

Right now I was looking for Blake but I've been walking around for a while and still haven't seen her. I decided to sent her a text.

Hey Red, I miss you.
Where are you?

I'm in the music room. Last room on the right side.

I miss you too baby.

I'll be right there.

After she told me where she was, I followed her directions and ended up finding the music room that I didn't know existed.

It didn't have any windows but it just had a sign that said Music Room. I think the inside was soundproofed, so you can't hear any noise from the outside.

I opened the door to be met with a lot of different music instruments like a piano and different sort of guitars.

I saw Blake sitting on a chair, playing the guitar. I was mesmerized by her voice. I just stood there and couldn't move.

I didn't know she could sing. Or play an instrument. This makes her even more amazing.

"I don't like, like myself very much
Despite all your kind words.
Can't explain why I'm hurting myself
But it feels deserved..."

I was a bit chocked to hear what she was singing. I knew this song and listened to it a lot when I still lived at home. She was so good. I could feel what she was singing.

I walked closer and sat across from her. When there was a slight break in the song, I started singing with her.

"These thoughts won't rest
I can't forgive
I overthink until I'm sick
I'm too damn tired
Too worn to fight
I don't feel strong enough
To leave on the light
To leave on the light..."

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