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"It's me. Can I come in?" After I told her 'yes', the door slowly opened. She was already in her pj's and had her stuffed animal with her. It's a little bear. The only thing she still has from her old life.

She walked towards me and sat on my bed. "I couldn't sleep." She said. Looking down at her lap. Her hands nervously playing with her bear. She was still nervous about coming to me if she has trouble sleeping.

I padded the place beside me and she crawled over to me. I brought her closer to me, causing her to lay against me. She wrapped her arm over my waist and put her head on my chest.

"What's on your mind? You know you can talk to me Em." I told her while I moved my hand calmly through her hair.

She sighed. "I was thinking about the girl. Alex." She said, surprising me. Normally, she often thinks about her parents and why they didn't want her anymore.

"I feel like there's more to her than her being just a normal teenager who happened to see something bad. I mean, she wasn't just hungry when I went to give her food. She almost looked like she was starved of something." She rambled.

Emma, even though she's only 14, is a smart girl. I knew there was something off about Alexandria Miller, but I didn't care enough to find out what it was. As long as she doesn't tell anybody about what she's seen it's fine with me.

"Your right Em, but Vincent is watching her for the next couple of weeks, so if anything suspicious happens that he thinks I should know, he will report back to me about it." I told her. Hopping to calm her down a bit.

She nodded her head and closed her eyes. Realizing that she's not going to leave. I shut off the light and go to sleep myself.


*Alex's POV

I stepped into my house and was welcomed with a slap in my face from my mom. I was a bit shocked, because she's never laid a hand on me. She's only ever used words to make me feel bad.

"How dare you just leave for two days? Are you crazy?!" She screamed at me. You would think that she was worried about me, but really she just wanted me here to do all her work. I clean the house, do laundry and sometimes I even cook for them. Without receiving any food for myself afterwards.

I was about to answer her, when my dad walked into view. Her was pissed. Luckily he just ignored us. For some reason he doesn't touch me when my mom is home. That's the only thing she's good for.

But I was dreading the moment she left.

I quickly made my way upstairs to my room, but not before my dad grabbed me harshly by my arm and wisperd something in my ear that made me shiver. "You're dead Alexandria. You hear me." He let go of my arm and let me walk away. That's going to leave a bruise for sure. But it's nothing compared to what else he has in store for me.

I ate some food that I still had stored away in my room from my trip to the grocery store and then drew a little before I went to sleep.

Next morning I quickly got ready and left the house. While walking to school I could feel eyes on me, knowing that they belonged to Vincent. I didn't know if I should feel safe or scared...

School also wasn't fun. Monday never was. But Skyler did ask me if I was free after school. I told her I was already meeting up with Carter, but if she wanted she could join us. She agreed and I texted Carter about it. He said he was looking forward to finally meeting another friend of mine.

Carter picked us up after school was over and we drove to a restaurant to eat lunch, seeing as we only had a half day of school today.

"So I won the bet and Andi had to eat only spicy food for a day. She hasn't touched it since." Lunch was going well and Carter was telling Skyler embarrassing stories about me. But in this moment I felt happy and for a second my life almost seemed normal. Almost...

Surprisingly, my mom was home again when I got back from lunch, so I escaped up to my room after I did laundry. Lastly, I made some homework while eating the dry bread as dinner. I just decided to go to sleep early, so that I would have more energy tomorrow.


Three days later...

It's been three days and nothing has really happened. My dad backed off a little and Vincent has been keeping an eye on me. It's almost like my dad knows somebody is watching me. I also told Carter about what happened when I was kidnapped. I know that Blake said not to tell anyone, but he's like my brother. I can't keep this from him.

Skyler, Carter and me became a bit closer and we have hung out multiple times since Monday. It's good to have an extra friend. Especially in school and someone that doesn't know about my shitty life.

I was up in my room and all of a sudden I saw my mom's car leaving the driveway. I started sweating a bit when I heard the loud footsteps of my father coming up the stairs.

The door of my room slammed open and he walked in with his belt in his right hand. He grabbed me with his left hand and threw me from my bed onto the floor.

I thought he was just going to start hitting me, but instead he took a knife out of his pocket and cut off my clothes till I was laying on the floor in only a couple of rags covering me.

That's when the hitting started. He never said a word. He just hit me with his belt. Over and over again. I was beginning to get dizzy, when all of a sudden I heard the doorbell.

My father stopped the abuse for a second. But then just continued a bit later.

That's when we heard, what sounded like a soft gunshot. Or at least to me it sounded like that. Maybe it was just my mind, making stuff up.

My father however seemed too focused on punishing me, that he didn't even hear the unknown footsteps coming towards us.

That's when my door opened...

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