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How my dad lost his grip on Eva and how she fell out of his arms, straight onto the ground. Then she landed with her head on the floor and suddenly the crying stopped. That's when I realized that she died on impact.

My dad killed his own daughter. He killed my little sister because her cared more about his drugs than about her.

That's when I heard my mom's car coming to a stop in the driveway. Next thing I knew, my dad had me up against the wall. He threatened me not to tell her what happened...

"ALEX! WAKE UP!" I gasped at looked around me.

I was shaking and breathing harshly. I also noticed that I was still in Blake's room. I must have fallen asleep in her bed.

She was looking at me with concern. "Are you okay? You had a nightmare." she told me.

That's when I realized I had a dream about my sister. It's how it all started. The abusing, the starving and the neglect.

"Yeah... I'm okay. Just had a bad dream." I told her. I wasn't ready to open up to her about that yet.

I think she understood, because she didn't press any further.


*Blake's POV

I watched as Alex looked around her, she looked really scared. I felt kind of sorry for her. And I never care about anyone. Except Emma.

"How about we try walking downstairs again?" I suggested. Alex did some exercises every day to slowly get better. She hasn't been able to walk all the way down the stairs yet, but maybe today would be the day.

"Okay. Will you help me again?" She asked shyly. I chuckled and said "Of course."

I helped her out off the bed and slowly, she walked towards the stairs. I walked close to her, ready to catch her if she falls. She started heading down the stairs. On the last few steps, she couldn't go further by herself. But she is making great progress.

I helped her down the remaining steps and then we headed to the dining room to eat breakfast.

When we arrived, a lot of the gang members were already seated. We don't eat with each other all the time, but it's good to all spend some time together a couple times a week to catch up on important things.

I sat down on the head of the table. Alex on my left and Emma on my right. Nathan was seated on the other side of Alex.

"Good morning everyone. Let's get started on breakfast and discuss some business after we've all eaten." I announced. After I put my first bite of food in my mouth, the rest started too. Little things like that show that I am in charge. I like that feeling of power I have over them.

I looked over towards Alex too see if she's okay. I see her being a bit freaked out about this all. The hasn't seen all of my men in one room before. I get that it would be scary or intimidating the first few times.

I put my hand on her knee underneath the table to try to comfort her. At first she flinches, but after she realized that it was me, she calmed down and grabbed my hand in hers. I could feel her little soft hand grab mine with hesitance.

She squeezed a bit and looked over to me to see my reaction. I just smiled a little, letting her know that it's okay.

When we finished up dinner, Alex and Emma left the table after I introduced Alex to my gang and told them the same rules apply as when Emma came here. Mainly that they can not touch her or they'll be a dead man walking.

Then we discussed business.


*Alex's POV

I was heading back to the room I stayed in, when Emma came up to me.

"Hey Alex. How are you doing?" She asked. She was a really sweet girl.

I turned towards her and answered her question. "I am getting better every day. But it still hurts sometimes." I told her, trying not a think about that day.

"I want to show you something." Emma said, changing the subject which I was thankful for.

She took me to a room I haven't seen before. It was an almost white room with just a bed and some other basic things like a closet.

She turned to me with a smile. I looked at her confused. "Who's room is this?" I asked, not knowing why she took me here.

She giggled a bit and said "Yours." I looked at her, slightly shocked. This would mean that I am going to stay here, like move in.

"Really?" I asked her, still unsure. She nodded her head.

"Yes. And we have to decorate it with all the colors and things you like." She said, getting really excited. I chuckled a bit at that.

"Thank you so much. This means so much to me." It honestly did. I'll finally have a real room that's just for me. I even get to design the inside. My creative brain is already thinking about all sort of ideas.

"You're welcome. I told Blake that she can't let you stay in that medical room any longer. Besides, your healing nicely so you don't need to be in the infirmary anymore."

I smiled at her and then huged her. She was taken a bit of guard, but then returned to gesture and wrapped her arms around me.

"What should we do now?" She asked me. I think she's happy to have someone who is a girl that's closer to her age. Now she can finally hang out with somebody. I know she had Blake, but she's like her mom and she's....Blake.

"I was actually wondering if you could give me a tour? I haven't had the chance to see everything yet."

"Yes, of course. I'm going to show you all the good spots, like the pool and outside, oh! And the movie theater.." She rambled. She brabbed my hand and started showing me around.

I wish I had my little sister. But but then again I don't because I don't want her to go through what I have gone through...

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