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Blake looked at me and then followed my line sight and landed her eyes on Carter. He saw us too after looking around for a bit. He didn't know what Blake looked like, but now he does.

"Please, don't do anything stupid." I told Blake just before Carter arrived at our table, she whispered a 'Like what?' and looked at me with an amusing expression.

Thankfully Blake stood up from the couch, allowing me to get up too and hug Carter.

"Hey Andi. Glad to see you again. You look good. Healthy." he greeted me. He always looked out for me and he was happy to see me doing okay.

"Yeah, I feel much better. Blake helped me a lot." I looked towards Blake to see her looking at us with an unreadable expression.

She walked close to Carter and held out her hand for him to shake and looked him straight into his eyes. I saw that he was slightly intimidated by her but he didn't want to show it, or at least tried not too. They were about the same height. With me around four inches shorter.

They shook hands and just exchanged looks. Then they got seated at the table. Carter was now sitting across from me.

"So..." I decided to break the awkward silence. I looked at them and tried to think of something to say.

"Do you know what you want to order yet?" I asked to nobody in particular.

They looked at their menu silently, trying to make a choice. I was anxious and started moving my leg up and down as a nervous habit.

That's when I felt Blake put her hand on my knee to stop me from moving. I was still stressing out a bit, but I calmed down somewhat after she started moving her thumb. I think she knows that it calms me down. At least I think so if she keeps doing it.

After a waiter took our orders, Carter and I made some small talk, catching up. After a while the food arrived and we started eating dinner silently.

Halfway through dinner Blake decided to start a conversation with Carter.

"So, I heard you wanted to meet me. Here I am." She stated. I just kept my head down, while eating the delicious food in front of me.

Carter looked up at her, taken slightly off guard. "I did. I wanted to meet the so called gang leader that Andi lives with. I need to make sure she's safe." He said, after regaining some confidence again.

Oh boy, I don't like where this is going...

Blake chuckled. "That's sweet." She said with sarcasm and continued on with what she was saying.

"First of all, as you can see she's more than okay and just know that I would never hurt her. Secondly, did I just hear you insult me?" She said the last part slow and dangerously. I gulped, beginning to get a bit sweaty. Carter also looked like he was about to piss his pants. I would have laughed if Blake wasn't looking at him like she was about to kill him.

Then, when I thought the situation couldn't get any worse, I heard a clicking sound.

At first I didn't know what it was, but then I saw Blake's hand underneath the table. My eyes widened at the realization.

I quickly put my hand on top of Blake's hand that held the gun. She turned to face me and when she saw the pleading expression I gave her, she put the gun on safety again and continued eating like nothing just happened.

"How about we talk about something more, um, common?" I suggested.

We actually able to make some conversation, while finishing up dinner. Just before we were done, Blake received a phone call and excused herself.

Now it's just me and Carter.

"You do realize what she does for living don't you?" Carter asked me. I sighed.

"I do. But to me she's not some killer or criminal. To me she's a hero. She saved me from my father and took care of me. If you get on her good side, she's actually a really sweet person." I told him.

"Well, I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you." He mumbled. Realization took over me. Now I know why Carter has a grudge against Blake. He was jealous that she did what he wanted to do for me all along.

"CJ, it's not like that. You saved me in a different way. You're the one that kept me going and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been here now either. I owe my life to the both of you." His eyes softened at that and he nodded.

We were quiet for a bit after that. That's when Carter started telling me something.

"I met someone. He was a customer in the mechanic shop. We started talking and had like an instant connection. His name is name is Lucas Brown, he is a really sweet guy and-" I cut him off before he could say anything else, shocked by what he was saying.

"Are you telling me you have a boyfriend?" I asked with a hushed tone, getting exited for him.

He smiled at me. "Yes. I do. If you would have let me finish, you would have known that." We smiled, enjoying the for once good news that we had to share.

Blake came back once her call was over and after some arguing of who would pay for dinner, Blake won by throwing some fifty bills on the table.

I huged Carter goodbye and walked back to the car with Blake.

"That went as well as it could have." I said once we were on our way home.

On my way home. That felt good to say.

"I want to apologize." Blake suddenly said to me. I turned to her to see her still focused on the road ahead.

"I overreacted a bit." Realizing she was talking about the gun incident, I told her it was fine.

"Nothing happened and he shouldn't have said what he did. It's okay." I reassured her.

She just shook her and and said "You're too nice Ally." My cheeks warmed up from that and I quickly turned away so she wouldn't notice my blush...

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