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*Blake's POV

When we were done discussing business, I headed to my office and took care of some problems, made some phone calls and did some administration. When I looked at the time, it was already 4:30 pm.

I finished up what I was doing and decided to go find Emma and Alex. They should be together. I am glad that they're getting along. But then again, who wouldn't get along with Emma?

First I went to look for them in Emma's room, but they weren't there, then I went to Alex's new room but nobody was there either.

I started to worry a bit, because after a while I still couldn't find them. I decided to look in one other place and hope that they're there.

When I arrived to the theater room I opened the doors and let out a breath. I almost laughed at what I saw.

There was a movie playing on the big screen and in the middle of the room. Emma and alex were seated together in one chair. But they were fallen asleep and Emma had her head on Alex's shoulder. It actually looked really cute.

I walked up to them and shook them awake.

"Em, Alex. Wake up." I told them. They groaned and slowly opened their eyes. I saw Alex looking around her, almost as if seeing if there was any danger. It's like a reflex that she got from her father.

"It's okay Alex, your safe." Emma reassured her. I smiled at them.

"Come on girls, let's head back. I also need to talk to Alex. Emma, would you mind heading back on your own?" I asked her, but more so told her to leave. She nodded and before she left gave me a hug. I kissed her head before letting her leave.

I sat down next to Alex and turned to her. "I think we should go collect your stuff from your old house, seeing as you are going to stay here permanently now and you don't have any other clothes of your own." I told her.

"I agree, but I am a bit scared to go back. And what if my mom is there. I don't know..." She said, starting to get unsure.

"It's okay. I will go with you and I will sent Nathan ahead to see if he sees anyone at home." I won't let her get hurt again. I am really protective over Emma and I can already feel myself get more and more protective over Alex too.

"I also need to know what you want to do with your father, Michael. He is still locked up. I want your opinion on it seeing as he is your father." She looked at me and I saw fear returning to her beautiful brown eyes.

"I-I um I don't, I don't think I um.." She began shaking.

"Hey, hey, hey. No need for tears. He can't hurt anymore Alex." I told her. And took her in my arms. She was still a bit under weight but she's getting much better.

She was crying and after I saw her hesitating to move closer to me, I moved her head to the crook of my neck. I felt a couple of tears falling down on me, but she calmed down pretty quickly after that.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that. I just-" I quickly interrupted her. "It's fine. It's good to let it out sometimes."

She looked down. "Thank you." she mumbled.

"Come on. We should go see when dinner is going to be ready." She nodded and got up. I shut off the movie and headed to the kitchen asking the dinner time.

We still had around two hours before dinner, so Alex and I decided to go to her house now. That way it will be taken care of and we wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.


We were in my black Audi, heading to her house. Nathan had already informed me that nobody was at home there.

I saw Alex getting more nervous. I think it's the memories. I mean, she almost died by the hand of her own father in that house. Her own home.

I parked my car and we walked to the front door. I picked the lock and walked inside first to see if it was safe.

"Nice trick." Alex commented as we walked towards her room. "It comes in handy." I told her. She stopped in front of her door.

I grabbed her hand in mine and we entered her room. It was a small room. You could see old paint coming off the walls and there were almost no windows. I even saw some blood on the ground.

I looked around her room some more while Alex was grabbing her stuff. I saw a couple of drawing hanging above her small desk and some pencils laying around.

"Did you make this?" I asked her. There was one drawing that really caught my eye. It looked like a younger version of Alex holding a baby. It was a really realistic drawing.

She walked up to see what I was talking about. But she stopped once she saw what I was holding. "Yes, I um I did." She said and I saw her eyes getting watery.

"What's wrong Alex? Did I do something?" I said. She shook her head and walked up to me, grabbing the drawing from my hands and walking to her bed.

I sat down next to her with an arm around her. "It's okay. Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm a good listener." I told her. She didn't say anything for a moment but after a minute she started talking.

"You remember when I had that nightmare?" She asked me. "I do."

"Well, it was about her." She said and pointed to the baby on the picture.

"Who is she?" I questioned softly, guessing that this is a sensitive subject for her.

"Eva Miller. She was my baby sister." She choked out...

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