Harry Learns About Hogwarts

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CHAPTER 3 - Harry Learns About Hogwarts

TAYLOR SAT AT THE WINDOW SEAT looking out at Number 4, Privet Drive like always. However, even though it was the usual time of the day where Harry would usually come out and weed the garden or do some other chores, he didn't come out. He hadn't come out for a few days now, but Taylor knew most likely why Harry was gone. She learned from Harry (not that she didn't know already but she had to pretend she didn't know anything about him) that his birthday was 3 days ago. That meant that he must have gotten his Hogwarts letter, and judging by the reaction of his weird muggle uncle, they didn't take that news to well.

Taylor was quite excited of course and it was relatively funny to watch all of the owls flying in and his uncle closing off the mail slot. They must have known that witches and wizards don't give up too quickly and that nailing the mail slot closed won't stop them. Then, about 4 days ago, the Dursleys and Harry just packed up their things and left. Taylor didn't exactly know why, but she knew that it had something to do with Hogwarts and the Dursleys were most likely not wanting him to go. This didn't exactly make sense to Taylor. After all, the Dursleys hated Harry, wouldn't they be glad to get rid of him? But she didn't spend too much time trying to make sense of the insane muggle.

Taylor had already gotten her letter in April and gathered all of her supplies. Along with that, her mum got her a tawny owl and she decided to name it Tawny.

She was looking forward to going to Hogwarts, especially with Harry. She thought it would be great to go to school already with a friend who wasn't one of her cousins, the Weasleys. Taylor waited until she thought that maybe Harry just wouldn't come back. The Dursleys arrived 2 days ago and she spotted a pig tail on the back of Dudley even though Mr. and Mrs. Dursley were surely trying to hide it. She chuckled at that, thinking that Dudley had finally gotten what he deserved. She could only imagine the pranks that she could pull when she came of age in 6 years.

Her mum always told her that she had a little inside of her from each of her cousins. She always liked to think that the closest cousins, however, where the twins and Ginny. Ginny, because she was a girl and they liked to talk to each other. Both of them had a tom-boy side (coming from growing up with lots of boys probably) but they also were slightly girly when they wanted to, Taylor a little more. The twins were pranksters and she loved doing things like that with them. She couldn't wait until she could go to Hogwarts and pull pranks on them, especially the Slytherins. Even though Ron was her age, she never completely got along with him. They were constantly arguing about things, most recently, his rat Scabbers. Taylor also loved Charlie and Bill, but because they weren't there very often, she didn't really form a bond with them. She always felt welcome with the Weasleys, even though she loved her parents, her cousins still treated her like their little sister and they also had that brotherly protection that she showed as well about Ginny.

She still wondered whether Harry would come back and just as she was about to turn back to her room, she noticed a familiar figure walk out the front door across the road. Harry was back! She must have not noticed when he came back recently. She ran out the door and pulled Harry into a bone-crushing hug, that her mum said she got from her aunt.

"Gosh Harry, it's been ages! Where have you been?"

"Oh, er, well my aunt and uncle got a bit angry over this letter... and then they brought us to this island... It looked really gloomy and creepy you should have seen it! But then, oh I probably shouldn't say that part... and then... oh I probably shouldn't say that either...", he started muttering things about how he couldn't say things about certain stuff and Taylor knew that he was talking about the wizarding world. Her prankster side decided that she would surprise him, and make him worry a bit.

Suddenly, Harry seemed to realize something and the excitement that was in his eyes just a second before, was overtaken with a slight sadness. Taylor noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Well, it's nothing, but see, I'm going to this new school... and it's a boarding school... I won't see you for like a whole year..."

"It's fine, I'm sure you'll have fun in the new school," She said with a small smirk.

Harry didn't even notice and told her, "No, I'm really going to miss you. You were my first real friend well my only one," He looked up and realized that Taylor had a big smile on her face. "Why are you smiling, are you happy that I'm going away?" There was a small tinge of anger and sadness in his voice.

"Of course not, I'm just saying that you'll have a lot of fun at Hogwarts with your best friend there."

Harry was absolutely flabbergasted. Not only did she seem to know about Hogwarts, but she would be going there too?!

"Wait what! You, you know about Hogwarts? And you're going there too?"

"Of course I am, silly. Yes, I'm a witch. My cousins and I will be going there on September 1st and we're going to have the best year ever!"She said as she pulled him into another bone-crushing hug.

"Wait, you and your cousins? So your whole family is magical? How come I never knew? Why didn't you tell me that I was a wizard, and that my parents were magical, and that they didn't die in a car crash? How come you never told me anything about my life if you knew all along? I suppose you just became friends with me because I just defeated a dark wizard when I was one, huh?" He suddenly shouted all of these questions with anger. How come my best friend knew so much about me, and never even told me? Surely she knew of the story of my parents. And yet, she always just agreed with the tale that they died in a car crash.

Taylor sighed, knowing that he would be slightly angry with her, but that he would understand. "Yes, my family's magical, and I knew much more about you than you probably did. I knew that you were a wizard, that you defeated you-know-who and that you're parents were murdered. I wanted to tell you, I really did, but my mum said that I couldn't tell you anything. I wanted to talk to you about everything, Hogwarts, and my family, and the Wizarding War, and your parents. That's why I was so excited that soon you would get your Hogwarts letter, and then we could talk about everything together, and I wouldn't have to hide anything from you, because you're my best friend. And first, when you told me that your name was Harry Potter, and I saw the scar, I was a little excited. I couldn't believe that you were my neighbor! I was ecstatic! But then, when I got to know you better, you actually became my real friend, and I knew that I really cared about you and it wasn't just because of some stupid scar. I understand if you're a little mad at me, because I knew I shouldn't have kept the truth of your parents from you, but you really are my best friend, scar or not."

Harry listened and realized that she was telling the truth. He pulled her into a hug, and said "I'm sorry. It's not my place to be angry at you. In the meantime, I'm so exited! My best friend and me are going to Hogwarts together! You have to tell me all about it!"

A smile appeared on both of their faces and Taylor started telling him all about her cousins and what they told her about Hogwarts, the four houses, and the secret passageways while they started doing the gardenwork as usual.

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