Chapter 7

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Ira's Pov

"Do whatever you want just don't irritate me!" I say, done with Rapunzel as he continuously asked me if I want some Gems to eat.

Oh I would've accepted it if he wasn't putting his whole fingers inside his mouth to eat and those fingers just happen to go inside the gems packet to offer me. Ew, but no thanks.

"See there is no any respect for gentlemen's here, I'm offering you my last, favorite, blue colour gem which I hardly see and you're denying it?" He asks disbelief clear on his face.

"Yes!" I say clearly not in the mood.

"Okay." He says and throws the gem in his mouth and wink at me. I looked at him in disbelief this time. Wouldn't had he eaten like that before, without wetting his hands?!

Our cruiser stopped then, and we all climbed out. Robert walked towards us with bags and we also took our bags which were above our cruiser.

"Okay guys, the real trek starts here, we're going to walk from here, no cruisers." He says and half of the people groaned in annoyance.

"What if animals come to us?" Someone asks and I look at Robert as I waited for an answer.

"Where we're going trekking, we won't encounter most wild animals, just some great nature scenery, which I'm sure you're interested to see, as for any other animals, don't worry, we've Josh and Dan who have lived half their life in jungles, if any problem they'll make sure everyone of you is safe." Robert assures us and everyone agrees.

"Any other question you-" Robert before he could complete his sentence, Aarav had already raised his hands and Robert bit back a laugh. "Of course Aarav, what question do you have this time?"

"There is no question, I just wanted to tell I forgot my tent on our last stop." He says and Robert looks at him confused.

"Are you sure? Why did you even remove your tent there?" He asks.

"I just wanted to see if it still has all the pieces," He answers.

"Great!" Robert says trying to cool himself down but then looks at everyone else. "Does anyone has a two person tent which Aarav can share?" He asks and immediately Kaira and Aria points at Rapunzel who was just typing on his phone.

He looked up confused as to why everyone was looking at him suddenly. A sly smile came up on my lips just thinking about what's going to happen now.

"What?" He asks finally looking at each of us and then at Robert who looked sorry for him.

"Yes!! Bro I'm staying with you!" Aarav's excited voice boomed in and Rapunzel looked at him confused then realization hit him and he looked shocked.

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