Chapter 39

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The day of the doctors appointment, Harry was fourteen and a half weeks along which meant they were able to discover the gender of the baby. They were both on opposing ends but nonetheless they'd be happy with the outcome.

Surprisingly it was a lot easier to fly under the radar when you're in London, especially since celebrities are always somewhere so Zayn and Harry were able to make it to the clinic without anyone recognizing who they were.

"I'm nervous and I don't understand why because I've done this before," Harry huffed as he laid back on the examination bed, getting seemingly comfortable.

Zayn stood beside him, chewing on his bottom lip because he wasn't exactly sure how to respond considering he wasn't there the first time around. "Um, maybe you just need to throw up or something?"

"No. I want to find out the gender, get back to the flat and cuddle Luca. I've barely spent time with him and I feel awful about constantly leaving him at daycare." He sighed, "I went to pick him up yesterday and he was the last one, he was just sat in the playroom on his own."

"He could always come with us, Lou always brings her daughter Lux so Luca would have someone to play with." He offered, trying to be semi-helpful.

Harry shook his head, "I want to start staying back with Luca and I don't think we need him having a teacher anymore, he's only four. I shouldn't be pressuring him with schooling when he's meant to be a kid right now."

"Okay, I'll make sure she doesn't come anymore." He smiled, quietly pleased with Harry's revelation on Luca's education. "Anything else?"

Harry looked up at him, giving him a serious expression. "Yeah, do you think you'll ever want to get married?"

Zayn's breath was momentarily knocked out of his body, making him repeatedly stumble over his unprocessed thoughts trying to find his words again. "I'm - ah, when did. I - um, I haven't thought about - marriage?"

"Sorry, sorry." He shook his head with a small laugh, "I'm being daft, this isn't the place."

"No, I -"

A sudden knock on the door stopped Zayn's words, "Hi, I'm Dr Nixon." he greeted as he entered the private room, scanning the clipboard in his hands. "You must be Harry, and you're - the second father, yes?"

Zayn wordlessly nodded, still recovering from Harry's marriage bomb.

"Great. Let's get this checkup going and by the end, we'll know the fetus' gender." He smiled, "Any guesses?"

"I have a feeling it's another boy, but I'm sort of counting on a girl though." Harry smiled as he pushed his shirt up, revealing his barely swollen stomach.

"And you?" He glanced towards Zayn as he spread the heated gel along Harry's abdomen, "Guesses, preferences?"

Zayn coughed, clearing his throat. "Um, another boy."

"Another, this is your second?" He raised a surprised eyebrow at Harry, "You both look so young, I assumed this was your first - I'm sorry."

Harry laughed, sucking in a sharp breath once the wand touched his stomach and instantly the gel seemed chilled. "My first pregnancy was when I was sixteen, this is my first pregnancy as an adult."

"Then congratulations on your second pregnancy and congratulations on staying together." He focused on the screen, watching closely as he glided the wand around Harry's exposed area.

Zayn's eyes lowered, whereas Harry halfheartedly cleared his throat. "We're recently back together actually, I hadn't seen Zayn in three and a half years until about eight months ago."

"Oh, then I'm sorry for sticking my foot in my mouth and making things awkward," Dr Nixon laughed, "But regardless to your situation, congratulations. Do you both want to know the gender?"

"Yes," Zayn spoke up for the first time without being prompted, suddenly extremely focused on the nugget sized figure on the monitor.

"It's a boy," he smiled, pointing to the figure on the screen to show where exactly the fetus was.

Harry didn't know why but he was a blubbering mess, crying into his hands and cried even harder when he looked at the monitor. Zayn was once again speechless, only he was smiling like a madman as his eyes glossed over.


They'd gone the rest of the day without talking about Harry's marriage outburst at the clinic, Luca was freshly bathed and tucked between them. Harry was laying on his side, cuddling Luca and softly combed his fingers through the sleeping toddlers lengthy hair. Zayn was watching the telly, having turned the volume down low so Luca wouldn't wake up.

"We should get his haircut, maybe that what we'll do tomorrow once you leave." He murmured quietly, thinking aloud more than anything.

Zayn looked at him, "Yeah, okay."

He hummed, "I think he'd look good with a buzz, maybe."

"No!" He might of responded too quickly because Harry slightly jumped at the loudness of his voice but Zayn didn't want his son completely hairless. "I mean, maybe just a trim."

"Okay, just a trim then." Harry halfheartedly laughed, kissing Luca's forehead and tucked the blankets around him more securely. "I doubt he'd want a buzz anyways, I've never been able to get him to agree to short hair."

He glanced down at Luca then back to Harry, "Are we going to talk about what you asked me today?"

"It's just my hormones, I didn't mean - I was just curious and I mean it doesn't necessarily have to be me or anything." Harry knew exactly what Zayn was referring to, "Who knows what our futures will be like, for all we know we'll break up and end up with different people."

"I don't want that though, I want you and Luca." He smiled, "And the new baby."

"Who's to say you'll still want that a year from now?" Harry pointed out, knowing Zayn's infamous for going back on his words. "And raising one kid is hard enough so two will probably be overwhelming at times."

He furrowed his brow, "How is it that you can go from asking me about marriage to saying you don't see us working out longterm?"

"I'm pregnant and I overthink, one of the worst combinations." He shrugged.

Zayn sighed, "Well regardless, I'd be more than happy to marry you someday. I want to be fully committed to you and our kids."

"Thank you," he smiled. "But you being here now is enough, I don't know what got into me today at the clinic. And I appreciate you coming to the appointment too."

He carefully leaned over Luca and kissed Harry's heated lips, "I'm not going to miss any appointments, I promised you."

Harry's smile grew, kissing his lips again but slowed their actions when he remembered Luca was wedged between them and now wasn't the time to have sex considering the sleeping situation so he pulled back and pecked his lips one last time, "Night."

"Goodnight," he smiled lazily and laid back down on his own side of the king sized bed.


(authors note: soo Harry was slightly spastic and randomly brought up marriage while at their doctors appointment, which stunned Zayn. And Luca is still oblivious to everything.

Do you think Harry and Zayn should tell Luca about the baby, and were you surprised Harry was the one to bring up marriage?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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