Makki's story

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Okay so this is me making stupid ideas... I wanted to make this story for way too long but I have been working on two. So I'm posting this because I'm an idiot making implosive decisions✨🦋 so yeah have fun read the book I have been dying to make.


I was young when we found out about the sickness. 9 or 10 I think...It wasn't that bad back then but it scared my mom and Tooru out of their minds.

~"Makki come on lets go! We have to go hang out with Iwa-chan and Matts-..."~

I dropped to the floor... that day we where supposed to hang out with our little group Mattsun and Iwa, but I was sent to the hospital. Oikawa was really worried, I know my mom was freaking out. I was in and out of sleep and about to pass out. The sound of yelling, cars, sirens, and my best friend.

~"...Makki... Taka... are you okay?" That was Tooru I believe.

"Hey dont take my boy, what's wrong with him?!?!" My mom was crying. I didn't know why though. I was fine just sleeping. Wait where was I...~

I couldn't really remember everything that day, but I was the one that chose not to. I told everyone not to tell me about the day they found out about the COPD. All I need to know is how to deal with it. Some doctors also call it emphysema or chronic bronchitis. So its like I can't breath well, or some shit. Tooru knows more about it then me. He was the one that has been watching after me sense it started. I have been trying to stay out of trouble with him because he has been acting like a mom. Ughhh I just want to play volleyball but the 'captain' keeps me on the bench way too much.

I can't play often anymore because of my condition. Its worse after two years of high school volleyball. My other close friends, Mattsun and Iwa don't know about my COPD. They think I just have really bad asthma, but what I have is, worse. If I every do something to send myself into excavation I could die if not treated. It won't happen though because I was treated at an early age. I should be fine as long as I don't do something dumb.

The only thing I can't do is die. I could never forgive myself if I let that happen. Tooru would never be okay if I did that, and my mom has been depressed and sad all the time.

I hate that everything happening won't make me breakdown though. Its like the people I have would be broken if I was gone. More lost then I am, and I don't like that one bit. All I really have is Tooru... Mattsun, Iwa, and volleyball....

Right now I was on the bench well the team was running laps. Oikawa keeps putting me on the bench and its pissing me off. I don't like special treatment... I get it but I just have to be carful. I dont like it when Oikawa is playing mom with me.

"Hey Makki why are you on the bench today? Did you make Oikawa mad or something?" I sighed. Its him, the one and only Mattsun. "No not that. I could never make the alien mad at me." I giggled and he smiled at me sitting down. Mattsun had done this thing where he would be so irritated lately and then after that he would talk to me, and calm down. I think I was the only one that noticed it but he really did talk to me a lot. I have no idea why but I seemed to calm him.

"So, my precious Makki what are we doing today?" Mattsun and I would joke around sometimes and talk really weird. Its funny how we act together and its another reason why I love hanging out with this idiot. "Nothing, I think... do you want to take me somewhere Lord Issei?" I smirked at him and he thought for a second. "Well that depends my prince do you want me to take you to my kingdom?" I laughed and so did he.

"Oh is that Taka and Mattsun laughing together! I think I like the sight of that..." I looked up at my best friend. "What are you talking about Tooru? Oh and I think im going to a kingdom today so you should go on a journey with me. Maybe grab your king too?"

"You and Mattsun talk like crazy people you know." He turned a little not wanting to show his face. "Are you as pink as Makki's hair?" Mattsun was teasing him and he put his hand on my head and his fingers though my shout hair. "Oh and I think 'your king' is looking this way." We all looked the way Iwaizumi was and he started to come over to us.

"Ooooo look its him~" I said looking at Tooru. "shut the fuck up- Oh hiii Iwa-chan you look as amazing as always!" Muttaun and I started laughing at him.

"And you look at stupid as always Oikawa. Whats so funny?"

"Oh, Oikawa maybe you want to tell him about our conversation don't you?!" Ptff Mattsun really mad Tooru blush when he brought that up. "N-no w-what are you talking about... I dont h-have anything to say. Makki Makki help me!"

"Ha- and why would I do that Tooru-" I was cut off by myself coughing. Ughh... I think its because of the laughing. I really need to get that under control.

"Do you need your inhaler?" Mattsun asked setting his hand on my shoulder. "Y-yeah can you get it please?" He looked concered. "Sure of course Makki hold on." He stood up and went to the locker room.

"Taka... are you sure you're good?" Oikawa was obviously worried knowing that I was only having a coughing fit right now because I was laughing, I felt a little odd but I was fine. I just need my inhaler. "Yes Tooru I'm f-fine" I started to breath a little heavier, then Muttsun came back with my bag. "Thanks Mattsun." Tooru said grading my bag and opening it to get my inhaler. Ughh I hate looking like this. If I get any worse I will sceam... wait no screaming would make me loses way to much oxygen. I don't want to go to the doctors again. "Hey Iwa-chan can you rap up practice for me? We are just about done anyway." Oikawa yelled at him at he was about to walk away. he also handed me my inhaler and I quickly put it up to my face.

"Whatever shittykawa help Makki before he passes out.. Looks kinda pale." I do?? Really??

"Yeah Oikawa do you know if he's okay? He does look a little too pale. Its probably good he didn't play today." Mattsun was talking like I wasn't right next to them. "H-hey you are acting like I can't hear you all!" After I said that I started getting a little dizzy and They both noticed.

"Fuck-" I whispered...

"Huh... you good makki?"

"Taka dont you dare. Ughh. Okay Mattsun help me really fast."

So0ooOOoo that was that... tell me what ya think ig😗 I like the comments a lot actually♥️😪🤧

(1246 words)


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