Chapter 1

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Even now, six years later he still haunts my dreams. Even with opened eyes I see his face. He will be forever in my life no matter how many treatments I receive. I remember all the beatings he gave, if I look hard enough I feel I can see the mark of the bruises he left, he wasn't always like that though he used to be kind and gentle, he'd shower me with flowers and kisses, we dated since we were 16 back then I felt broken my dad had just died and my mom found out she had cancer it was a terrible time and I was depressed. Then he helped me see the light, it may sound cheesy but it is true he was the light in my darkness but little did I know that he would become my new darkness. Four years later he consumed me till I was wrapped in it like a blanket, every time I tried to escape it, it would pull me in farther. One day it was too much he did something so unforgivable that I knew I had to get out. I broke free of him and his darkness never wanting to go back but now I'm stuck in my darkness. It cuddles me and tells me everything is going to be ok and I believe it.

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