Part 17-- Ground Fights

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I'm tense throughout the day, nervous for Arlo both seeing my apartment and knowing where it is.

Finally, the day ends and I can go to my apartment. It's clean and organized, so if Arlo leaves thinking anything of me, he at least won't think I'm a slob. 

While I'm doing my homework, there's a knock at my door and my anxiety returns. I hope Arlo doesn't kill me.

"Hey," I sigh in an attempt to calm myself down.

"Can I come in?", Arlo scowls.

"Sure, right," I step back to let Arlo in, then quickly close to door behind him. "So what do you know about me that I already know?"

"You're more powerful than you tell others you are. Why do you lie about your power?", Arlo asks in his deep, raspy voice, reminiscent of Bucky Barnes in a way but more dramatic.

"I find it unnecessary to tell people my power level. It's easier to live as a mid-tier than as anything else," I reply.

"I disagree," Arlo brushes past me. "It's easy to live as a high-tier, Tessa. Everyone bows down to you."

I turn around to face Arlo, who's back is turned to me. "I don't want people to bow to me."

"You're stronger than Remi. Her power level is 5.4 and you're 2 levels higher than her. You could be Queen."

"I don't want that. Besides, doesn't that mean I'd have to do those ground fight things?"

"Turf wars," Arlo harshly corrects. "They'd be easy for you, anyway. All you'd have to do is activate your ability. You can make illusions, right?"

"Mhm," I nod.

"You can convince people that you have a different ability from the one you have with little to no effort at all. What is preventing you from becoming infamous and feared?"

"I admit that you make a good point, but I don't want to participate in turf wars," I say coldly.

"I think there's some pent up aggression that you need to release," Arlo looks over his shoulder so I can see his smirk.

"Not onto people."

"Wellston has a reputation to uphold! You have so much potential. You could be my secret weapon, Tessa Hansson!", Arlo fully turns around and steps closer to me. "At least be an alternative in case one of our team can't make it."

"Will you leave if I accept?"

Arlo smiles and shakes his head. "Sure."

"Fine. Text me when you need me to show up somewhere."

"Good," Arlo nods and looks down at me as he again brushes past me. "My offer to make you Queen still stands."

"I'm not overthrowing Remi," I growl as Arlo reaches the door.

"You would be a good Queen," Arlo states before leaving my apartment. His strong cologne lingers in my house, and it makes me uncomfortable. I light every candle I can find before making some tea and finishing my homework.

You would be a good Queen, constantly echoes in my mind.

"Mmgh, shut up," I hiss out loud and shove my books in my backpack and my laptop in my shoulder bag. I change into a comfortable loose black turtleneck dress and knee high combat boots, then grab my purse and saunter down the street to the Walgreen's. 

While at the Walgreen's, "When I Come Around" by Green Day starts playing, and I start vibing. 

"Well I heard you crying loud, all the wa-ay across town," I sing along as I grab a Red Bull. I've been craving a Red Bull Blue Edition for a while now.

After dancing around the Walgreens and buying various essentials and a few things I don't need--namely some as seen on TV fingerless glove things and a family sized bag of mini Swedish Fish--I go back to my apartment and take a shower.

I think I need to tell Remi about Arlo. But she trusts Arlo, and I don't want to ruin their relationship. There still is this lingering obligation to tell someone, anyone. 

a/n alrighty lads, 

sorry for the shorter chapter, my bad. 

i hope you liked it anyway, there is more content to come!

follow me on insta if you want: Plague_Doctor_Extraordinaire 

i'm also Schlorgan_27 on reddit if you wanna check me out there

love you lads!

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