Twobit Matthews

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Walking back from the grocery store I carry in my hands a giant chocolate cake that I had just boughten for my boyfriend Twobit and me to eat while watching the new episode of Mickey that was set to come out tonight.

Even though that show was made for little kids it was mine and Twobit's favorite because we always loved to watch stuff that what make us laugh.

I fiinally made it to the front door of the Curtis house where Twobit was stationed for the evening.

I pushed open the door with my foot trying to make sure that I don't drop that cake in my hands especially since I am a total clutz.

"Hey babe!" Twobit exclaimed and jumped up to try and give me a hug until he saw the giant cake in my hands.

"Hey Two!" I respond as I laugh at Twobit who was practically drooling over the damn chocolate cake.

"I see you noticed the cake!?!" I asked him sarcastically while smiling.

I carried it over to the kitchen counter and as I was doing so Twobit said "I'll get the beer and you could cut the cake."

I smiled and said "Ok honey." even though I never drinked, he loved to while watching this show.

I bet he is the only guy that has a cold beer while watching a kids show.

But it is that spontaneity that makes me love him so much.

Grabbing a knife out of the drawer, I began to cut the cake into pretty decent slices and then plopped them onto whatever plate the Curtis' had.

"Let's do this thing!" Twobit exclaimed walking over to the TV with his beer in his hand and started to find the channel that the show was going to be on.

I laughed as I grabbed the two pieces of cake and sat down on the floor.

I handed Twobit his plate of cake and when I did so he smiled at me and said "God I love you so much!"

"Are you talking to the cake or me?" I asked causing him to laugh hysterically even though it really wasn't that funny.

"Definately the cake!" he responded causing me to playfully punch him in the shoulder with an exagerated fake angry face.

"It's about to start!" I exclaimed as the show began.

For some reason I couldn't focus much on the TV today, my mind just kept drifting and thinking about how lucky I am to be with someone like Two.

Grant it, he might not be every girls dream guy but hell, he was definately mine.

The show ended after thirty minutes, and Twobit had finished his cake but I hadn't.

That rarely ever happened but I guess I was just so deep in thought the cake didn't cross my mind.

"Y/n?" Twobit said causing me to look at him.

"Are you ok or did you just overdose on sugar?" he asked while laughing.

"Oh I'm fine." I respond realizing that I just zoned out like an idiot for so long.

Twobit picked me up off the ground and spun me around causing me to laugh hysterically.

"Two put me down!" I playfully yelled.

"Why should I?" Two asked me causing me to smile at him before answering.

"You should put me down because you are the best boyfriend ever and you are also the funniest guy that I know!" I managed to get out in between laughs.

"Oh is that so?" He asks as he sets me back down on the ground.

"Tis so." I say with some fake accent.

But when he wasn't paying attention, I grabbed his pocket knife real quick and sprinted out the door playfully.

The two of us liked to take eachothers stuff and tease eachother like that so I found the right opportunity.

"Give that back!" Twobit playfully called to me as he started to chase me around the Curtis house.

"You aren't ever going to catch me!" I yelled back at him while laughing with a fake evil laugh.

The rest of the day went like that, we laughed like idiots the whole time but I didn't care because we were idiots for eachother.

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