ᴛʜᴇ 'ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ' ᴛᴡɪɴ

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Osamu tugs on the dark grey sweater that threatened to drop over his shoulder
any second.

He yawned as he left the culinary arts building.

The day after games were always tiring.

Not only was the game before long, but now the day seemed just as long.

At least it wasn't high school when you had to wait and feel your ears burn
at the ringing bell.Now you just had to check your watch and make it to each
class on time, hours or so in between.

While leaving the culinary arts building, he sees a familiar dual haired friend
and the catcher of the baseball team.


That was probably some dumb nick name Atsumu gave him.

Although, it was cute.

Better than whatever an omi-omi was.

Osamu decided to approach them, tired smile imprinted on his face.

Out of the two, Osamu was the more quiet and reserved twin, only speaking when
spoken to most of the time.

Atsumu played sports, Osamu cooked.Atsumu liked parties, Osamu liked staying

It wasn't like Osamu was shy in anyway, he could possibly be called just as dramatic
as Atsumu in situations.

But just seeing the two in the same room, you could easily guess who was more
on the wild side.

"Hey guys, am I the only one having a game hangover?"

Osamu yawns again, falling sleepily onto Kita's back.

Through his half-lidded eyes he sees Suna with the same bored expression as always.

"I can't tell with you though Sunarin, you always look a little bored"
"It's Suna Rintarou" Suna mutters, rolling his eyes.

Osamu just mumbles a quiet mhm, soaking in Kita's light perfume on his shoulder.

"I think we're all" Kita yawns "a little bit hungover"
"Maybe" Suna says, typing away on his phone.

Osamu detaches himself from Kita's back, moving to Suna's side who gives him a
side eye with a close of his phone.

"Who ya textin'" Osamu says, poking at his phone.
"Your idiot of a twin" Suna rolls his eyes.
"Are you sure you guys are friends"

"Best friends actually" Kita says "I was surprised too"
Suna shrugs, "me too"

Osamu laughs , hiding his face behind his sweater sleeve, "We could possibly be the
make fun of Atsumu squad"
"Sadly" Kita mumbles.
"Nah, it's pretty fun" Suna says with a quirk of his lip.

Osamu observes the catcher until he gets caught, smiling before looking off into
the distance.

It must've been a passing time for a lot of students because the sidewalks were full,
buildings flooding our students.

He shudders at the thought of being trapped within those people.

"Should we go grab a coffee to cure our 'hangovers'" Kita suggests, taking Osamu
out of his trance.
"Sure!Sunarin?" Osamu agrees.
"Suna, but sure"

Osamu plopped down in the seat beside Suna, a big sigh could be heard from the

"C'mon, I can't be that bad" Osamu pouts.
"Your related to Atsumu, it's seriously possible"

They'd found a nice cafe on campus that not many students went to.

Mostly because there was another one closer to campus that was more modern
than rustic, matching the Inarizaki vibe more.

The three had already ordered and Kita ordered them to find a table big enough for
the three of them.

Osamu has suggested outside in the chilly air on one of the tall tables with chairs
that even a tall person struggles to get on.

Suna had absentmindedly agreed, not acknowledging the fact that the cold
makes him sleepy.

It wasn't like you could tell Anyways, his fox-like eyes were as drooped as eyes could

Foxy, another surprisingly smart nickname from Atsumu given to Suna.

"You know" Suna speaks first "hot chocolate isn't really a spring drink"

Osamu smiles, happy that he spoke first.

Osamu wasn't very good at starting a conversation.

To everyone's surprise, it would probably end up teasing like Atsumu.That was just how
he was raised, brought up, whatever people say.

"It gets you awake though"Osamu shrugs.
"I'm guessing a Christmas cookie does too...?"Suna says confusingly, raising an eyebrow.
"Shush, I just like the holidays"

Osamu wonders if Suna took the shush to literally as the conversation goes quiet.Blows
of spring air is all that is being heard as it blows Osamu's bang back, exposing his

Just when the awkwardness was reaching its speak, the doorbell rang and Kita came
out with there orders.

"Here's your not chocolate and Christmas cookie" Kita says, handing the said items
to Osamu "and here's your strawberry daifuku and Sakura tea"

Osamu watches the springy items being handed to Suna who in response gave a slight
nod in thanks to Suna.

"You used my card right" Suna asks.
"Mhm, although I'll pay next time" Kita says, placing the card back into Suna's outstretched

The three ate and Osamu took slight glances at Suna's plate from time to time.

'Maybe I should order that next time, it looks pretty good.I should probably
ask him how it tastes though.Or maybe I should get the recipe from the cafe-'

Suddenly, his nose was filled with a strawberry scent and he looked down to see
the delicacy on his lips, held by Suna.

He was looking away with his head resting on his hand, elbow resting on the table
to support it all.

Osamu took that moment to see just how shitty Suna's posture really was.

"Stop drooling over my shit and eat it" Suna mutters "maybe next time you should
get it instead of daydreaming about it"

Kita laughs, a rare thing , "you do kind of need a break from the 'Christmas spirit'"

"Is Sunarin asking me out on a date" Osamu gasps, grabbing the daifuku with
his mouth and eating it.

Although, he accidentally moved his lips around Suna's finger, but if Suna wouldn't
mention it neither would he.

"I don't even have your number" Suna says.
"Then get it"
"I think it's the other way around"

Kita watches the two in surprise.

"So maybe I feel like a third wheel"


I have no comment so, toodles noodles ✌︎︎

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