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It was a long, nail biting game against Shiratorizawa.

Every time there team would get a point, Shiratorizawa would just come back and get another.There players were truly talented.

One of the top batters in Japan, Ushijima Wakatoshi, wracked up a lot of there teams points.

There catcher, Tendō Satori, was a little on the weird side but he'd barely let any balls get passed him.

Although he was guess catcher so that caused for a few mistakes.

Osamu almost thought they wouldn't win.

But That was only until Suna was at bat once again.

They only needed one home run and they could win the game, twelve seconds on the clock.

Everyone was really hoping Suna's lazy tendencies didn't get to him here.

Osamu was surprised Atsumu was yelling and pulling his hair off by now.Usually he'd be all over the place at a time like this.

But maybe it's because Suna's the one at bat.

Sure he doesn't stand out that much, but he had unbelievable talent.

The way his back moved, saving his energy for tighter parts in the game, his swing.Everything he did on the field was unbelievable.

And Osamu was so glad he could come and watch that.

Osamu could hear Atsumu groan beside him as the band started playing.

"There gonna make SunaRin lose his damn focus, if we lose this game I'm blaming them" Atsumu mutters angrily.

"Tsumu, no offense, but I think your the only dumbass who gets mad over the band" Osamu
"Shut up, that's why you got SunaRin's hoodie hung up like a damn shrine in your room"

Osamu purses his lips, so glad Suna wasn't in hearing perimeter of them.

"That had NOTHING to do with the conversation" Osamu says through his teeth, pointing a accusing finger at his copy.

It seemed as Atsumu had enough of the conversation as he shrugged, looking back towards the game.

The coach had finally blew the whistle and whatever Suna did now would either take them to championships or not.

Osamu remembers when he costed them a championship in high school,

It ended with a fight with Atsumu.

Which he obviously won.

Osamu watched Shirabu, their pitcher, threw a curve ball.

Like always, Suna let it past, observing the it moved and spun.

This time, Suna got in position as the coach called one strike.

Shirabu once again threw a curveball.

It all seemed like it was in slow motion.From the swing of Suna's bat to the impact of the bat onto the ball.

The way the ball flew across the field until it was nothing but a memory, something Inarizaki didn't need.

For the first time, Osamu watched as Suna sprinted around the field, making it back to home base right as the clock hit one second.

Everyone waited in silence as the coach blew the whistle, the announcers replaying the run to see if Suna actually made it.

But everyone knew, everyone knew the outcome.

Yet, they all waited with anticipation of what was to come.

'Suna Rintarou, Inarizaki's catcher, has just hit a home run, putting Inarizaki in the league with a win.There going to championships folks!!'

Everyone in the dug out stood in silence, hands reaching to there mouths unlike everyone in the stands.

Relatives from the stands stumbles down to the dugout, filling it up to look for love ones.

Osamu could only stand there in shock.

It wasn't a rare thing Inarizaki to go to championships, but this one just kind of felt different.

Before he could make his own movements, he was pulled forward and stumbles into a familiar chest.

Of course he knew, his hands landed right on it.Right where they had been last night.

"We should go on another date, you know, for celebration"

Osamu laughed, standing straight as he collected himself.

"Sure Rin, lets go before Tsumu attacks ya"
"Oh, he already has"

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