ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ!!

762 28 16

Suna throws the pizza into the stone oven aggressively, turning away dusting off his hands.

"Calm down Jamal, don't pull out the 9" Osamu mumbles, placing his pizza in the oven as well.

"Tell you stomach to calm down, it's growled like eight times" Suna says, scrolling through his phone mindlessly.

Osamu stumbles over to Suna, the other immediately wrapping his arm around the twins shoulder.

Osamu placed his head onto Suna's shoulder, watching as he played Subway Surfers.

"What do we do now" Osamu whispers as if they were suppose to be quiet.
"I don't know, think of something Miya" Suna whispers back.

Osamu gasps, "don't demote me!!!"

Suna just shakes a little in laughter, tightening his arm around the others in shoulder as if saying sorry.

He was immediately forgiven of course, Osamu had no sense of grudges.

Except when it came to food, but that never lasted longer than a few days.

Although, Atsumu could hold one for ten years before even feeling slightly sorry.

"Let's dance" Osamu mumbles, moving slightly to grab his phone "I know the perfect song"

Osamu finds himself snickering as he scrolls through the playlist Suga sent to him a few days ago.

"I don't dance, but you can play it" Suna shrugs.
"Everyone says that but go off" Osamu shrugs in response.

'Hey emo boy, hey hey, hey emo boy...'

Osamu placed the phone back down on the table, volume all the way up as he turned back to grab Suna's hands.

"What the hell"
"That's what i thought when I heard it too, don't worry" Osamu laughs, swinging there arms.

'Saw this boy in the mall last week, got the kind of look to make me freak...'

"Where'd you hear it from?" Suna asks, letting his own phone slip into his pocket.
"Suga, he looks sweet and innocent but he's not"

Osamu took away his hands to dance around the room, pointing his finger to the other at certain lyrics.

'Please, handsome, don't be coy.Come on fuck me emo boy!!!'

Suna call feel himself blush and makes no moves to hide it, rolling his eyes.

"Your the one who everyone thinks is innocent, compared to your twin at least" Suna says, secretly recording the other as he danced.

Osamu just hummed, dancing over to the pizza oven to check on there creations.

"Come get em, there done" Osamu says, waving the other over.

Suna rolls his eyes, coming over none the less.

Moving the other with his hip, Suna opened the oven and pulled both pizzas out.

One decorated with pepperoni, the other with pineapples and pepperoni.

Osamu scrunches his nose as he makes aging sounds, "disgustang Rin"
"Your disgustang" Suna mocks.

'He might not look like he gets bitches, but honey that dick was 11 inches'

"That just ruined my whole appetite" Suna mumbles.


After having to eat two pizzas, and struggling to the bathroom after, the two were back on Suna's motorcycle heading home.

Osamu knew he could just bother the other tomorrow, but he didn't want to let go now.

Maybe it was the muscles his hands were once again pressed onto.

Or the way he saw a new side of Suna today.One that laughed, smiled, and started conversations on his own free will.

One that didn't hesitate to wrap his arm around the others shoulder or start a food fight.

Osamu sighs into the others back, tightening his arms around the others chest.

"Your a little clingy" Suna says, shaking a little bit at the expense of light laughter.
"It's easy to get clingy to ya"

And the silence was there again, filling the air around them making it difficult to breath.

It was like one little breath would be to loud.

Osamu didn't know if he liked the silence or not.It wasn't as awkward as it was when the date first started.

"I was wondering if you would come to our game tomorrow.Unlike Atsumu I think I need a cheerleader"

Osamu snaps his head up, trying not to move to much in case the motorcycle would tip over.

They stopped at a red light, he could see his apartment in the distance.

"Would I have to bring food again" Osamu says.

It surprised himself on how quiet his own voice was, the wind not being there to block it out.It was a whisper barely heard Suna.

"I mean, you could bring me something if you want" Suna shrugs, looking back at the other.

If only Osamu didn't have this dumb helmet on his head, maybe he'd be able to kiss him.

Or have more of a reason too.

"I'll be there, Tsumu's gonna be pissed when he sees me though"


Levyaku one shot coming up (just a book with one chapter) & Iwaoi celebrity au when this book ends.Only four my chapters to go I think.

Toodles noodles

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