ᴘɪɴᴇᴀᴘᴘʟᴇs ᴏɴ ᴘɪᴢᴢᴀ

773 30 72

(How y'all feeling a Iwaoi celebrity au for when this ends???)

Osamu held his arms out, wiggling around as Suna tied the apron around his waist.

"Be still" Suna mutters, placing his hand on the side of his waist as he finished tying the knot.

Osamu could feel his face getting hot as Suna's fingers dug into his side.Which should've been uncomfortable but it made him weirdly flustered.

'Oh shit, what if my abs just magically disappear.Ew what if I have a dad bod.But what if he likes dad bods.Is his hand still there-'

"You gonna tie mine or not return the favor" Suna says, holding out the black apron to Osamu.

Osamu aggressively nods his head, not wanting to miss a good opportunity.

"Yes sir" Osamu smiles, saluting before moving behind Suna to tie his apron.

As soon as he finished, there mentor was there with his black apron in as well.

Apparently, as Suna explained things, they were gonna have someone teach them how to make pizzas.

Suna already knew Osamu could cook and they didn't need a mentor, but Suna had never made a pizza in his life.The feeling of Osamu's hands over his as they molded dough together really messed with his head.

He didn't explain that part though.

That would be embarrassing and Osamu would definitely get a kick out of that.

Back to the real rules, they could ask the chef to leave at anytime when they didn't need help, but he was to still get the same pay.

Simple, now back to the present.

"Are you guys ready to make some pizza!" The man says cheerfully in a forced Italian accent.

Osamu had to purse his lips.This guy had the typical bald pizza guy head.

It was shiny too.

"Yes sir" Osamu smiles, secretly nudging Suna who looked like he was having the same crisis.

"Yes sir" Suna mumbles quickly, biting his bottom lip.

"Let's start off with the dough and preparations.First you want to spread out your flour" the chef says.

The two took the pause as a sign to continue.Suna grabbed the clear bowl of flour beside him, placing it between the two.

Suna gestured at Osamu to go first, not knowing what to do.

Osamu quietly snickers, grabbing the flour into his hand and just dropping it onto the board.

"Easy" Osamu whispers and Suna glares at him before doing the same.

"Great, now spread the flour do it isn't it one clump.After that you may grab your dough and place it onto the board" The Chef says, demonstrating since he saw Suna struggling.

Suna takes notice of this and scoffs, causing Osamu to have to stifle another laugh.

Suna goes first this time, softly spreading the flour out onto the board, getting it into every corner of the square board.

After that he grabs the dough, placing it onto the board.With a few slightly aggressive pats of the dough, he finishes.

Osamu had to tuck his lips and close his eyes to stop himself from laughing, doing the same thing as Suna.

There was nothing particularly funny about what Suna was doing.It was just the faces he made while doing each thing.

Yes, actual facial expressions.Like the dough was ordering him around and Suna decided to rebel or something.

Osamu finished, grabbing his roller, already knowing what to do next.

"Your right Miya, next you spread flour onto your roller and start to rolling" the chef smiles "I'll be right back, take your time"

As soon as the man leaves the room, Suna slams his hand down in the table, leaning on it while looking to the side so he could silently laugh.

"Nothing's funny!!" Osamu whisper yells.

Although, he couldn't deny he had the sudden feeling to laugh too.

"Yo, he got one of them little hairs like Caillou" Suna mumbles, silently wheezing into a fist.

Osamu cant help but to let out a few small laughs, whacking Suna in the side with the roller.

"Roll your damn pizza you meanie" Osamu mumbles, spreading flour onto the roller.

Suna calms himself, which doesn't take long, and starts doing the same as Osamu.

Right as they got done, the man walked back in.Suna dropped his head down and bit his lips, not being able to get the image out his head.

Osamu nudged his foot under the table, they had been standing the whole time and his legs were already hurting.

"Now you can spread the sauce" the chef says "after that you may decorate"

"Sir, I think we can take it from here" Osamu mumbles "thank ya for the help"

The chef nods, "if your sure I'll be leaving now"

The two watch as he bows, leaving the room.

"RIN" Osamu shouts.

Suna shakes, struggling to grab the bowl of sauce and spread it onto his pizza, as he silently laughs.

"I'm playing some music, yer annoyin" Osamu pouts.

Wiping his hands on Suna's apron, he takes his phone out and presses shuffle on his playlist.

"Seriously" Suna says, stopping his laughing to glare at the grey-haired male.
"Seriously" Osamu repeats, not lifting his eyes from his phone.

Suna secretly grabs the bowl of flour, gathering some in his hands before throwing it onto Osamu's apron.

Some of it sprinkling into his hair.

Osamu's head snaps up, his finger pressing a random song on his playlist, as his mouth gapes open.

'Do you remember when, I said I'll always be there~Ever since we were ten baby...'

"You know my names kinda hot when you say it" Suna shrugs, going back to spreading the sauce.

"Oh so now ya wanna flirt" Osamu says through his teeth, placing his phone on the cleanest part of the table.

'I pray for all your love, gurl our love is so unreal.I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you~'

"Somebody pinch me~" Osamu sings.

Suna shrugs, pinching the exposed skin on Osamu's neck.

"Ow!!Why would ya even do that" Osamu grumbles, rubbing his neck.
"Ya said to pinch you" Suna slightly smiles, grabbing the cheese to start decorating.

"it's the song, Rin!!!" Osamu whines, gathering some sauce in between his fingers and throwing it at the other.

Suna closes his eyes, wiping the some off that got close to them and licking the drops that got onto his lips.

Osamu had to admit that was hot.

"I swear, I'm not having a food fight with you here" Suna glares at the other, reaching for the pineapple.

"Rin, please not the pineapples"
"Yes the pineapples"

What does pineapple on pizza taste like??I really wanna try it

Toodles noodles

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