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924 29 14

Osamu had another round of the shivers, clutching the grey North Face jacket around
his surprisingly still muscular body.Maybe because Atsumu still encouraged him to work out and he just happened to listen.

It was a good idea after all.

Now that he thought about, Atsumu had a lot of good ideas.But today wasn't about his
older twin, it was about watching Suna play again and seeing Suga.

They hadn't seen each other since the mall situation.

"Sometimes I can still hear the song in my head"Osamu groans to himself, sitting in
Karasuno's guest dug out.

Yes, he actually came to the scrimmage, he wasn't a man to lie.Especially not to

Osamu watches as there team played defense, Suna and Atsumu once again at
pitch and catching.

Although, the newbie Shōyō was at bat.

What was weird about him was that he hadn't opened his eyes since he held up
his bat.Even Atsumu was confused and decided to throw a regular curve ball.

Osamu just shrugged his shoulders.Surely the first year was nervous, who can
hit with there eyes closed after all-

The sound of harsh contact filled the air and the ball flew, Shōyō running like his
life depended on it around the whole field.

The ball was out of view, everyone watching in shock as the small boy ran.

Kita, there makeshift coach, called for a time out.Atsumu came back to the dug out pouting
and mumbling words nobody could understand.

Osamu counted everyone and looked back to see Suna still crouched in his catchers position.

He squinted his eyes at the catcher.Pushing past everyone with a sorry and smacking some
sense into his brother, he made his way to Suna's location.

He didn't want to disturb Suna's peacs as he looked off into nothing, but he still tapped
the catchers shoulder.

Suna didn't move his head, just redirect his eyes to the male somewhat behind him, almost
beside him really.

Osamu took that as a sign to continue.

Suna always gave signs to continue, an unsaid question that Osamu somehow understood.

"Everyone's in the dug out, you should get a drink and stretch a little" Osamu smiles "we're on offense next and then you can bat"

Suna stands up quietly turning around towards the dug out to leave.As he's passing by,
he aggressively hits Osamu on the back.

"I like catching better, mom"

Osamu turns around with a bright red face and gaped open mouth, following after the
catcher.The spot on his back burned but in a good way (if that was in anyway understandable.It was like fire licking his back and he didn't have the sense to stop, drop, and roll.

So he kept following the source, Suna.

"I'm tryna be yer boyfriend, not yer mom"

Suna puts his thumbs in his ears and waves his fingers around as he walks away, making
la la sounds.

Osamu couldn't see the slight smile on his face when he did it.

But Atsumu did.

Suna was sure to get teased later.
"So your telling me, your tryna get your brothers best friends number and he's helping
you.But his best friend is super stubborn so your having a hard time" Suga says, trying
to get it all right.

"Yea he's helping, I could easily do this on my own" Osamu says.

Osamu was helping Suga pack out his stuff, the scrimmage had just ended two hours
later, 7:00 p.m to be exact.

These guys were baseball idiots and wouldn't stop unless they were stopped.

"So you like him?" Suga asks, swinging his back around his shoulder.

Osamu almost laughed at the serious look on Suga's face, "why ya look so serious"

Suga tilted his head sideways in question, waiting for a direct answer to his question.

Osamu made an 'o' shape with his mouth, now understanding Suga was ACTUALLY

"He's fun to mess with" Osamu mumbles, fiddling with his jacket zipper.

Suga sighed an audible sigh, it was almost like a groan.

Exasperation was the word.

If that was a word at all.

"So your telling me, you don't know if you like the guy your flirting with" Suga
says "aren't you tryna get his number"

Osamu genuinely thought about it.

What were his genuine feelings for Suna?


...I don't even know who he is"

Osamu was far from hitting a home run.

Ridiculously far.

Maybe he needed to get back in the game.

Then just maybe, he'd be able to hit it again and catch up to him.

Catch up to Suna.

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