Chapter 5-Recording

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George felt the blood rush to his head as he threw his head back in his uncomfortable chair. He was waiting the the discord call for Dream and Sapnap to join to record the new manhunt video. Those were usually Georges favourite to film. But this time was different. The anxiety that Dream would suspect something or ask too many questions swarmed around Georges mind like a tornado for the next half hour.

D- "Hey, George!"

G- "Dream!"

D - " We'll wait like ten more minutes for Sapnap to join, he'sprobably taking a shit haha."

G- "hahaha"

It was just like the old days, when they played Minecraft for hours onend, no one to stop them.

D- "OH GEOOORGE" Dream yells.



They all giggle.  


G- "Good job Dream, that was a grate clutch you did earlier."

S- "This is unfair"

D- "Stay salty Sapnap haha"

*Sapnap left the call*

D- "ahhh, well that was fun."

G- "yeah haha."

D-"So what's going on with you George, we haven't talked much lately, what are you up to these days?"

G- "Nothing much, just been playing Minecraft all day haha." George felt a sickly feeling in his stomach, what was this emotion he was feeling? He had certainly never felt like this talking to Dream, all alone. Georges mind wondered, thinking of touching Dreams soft, fluffy blond hair. Weaving his fingers through the curls. His soft pink lips-

D- "George you good, you've gone all quiet?"

G- "Oh yeah, sorry i just zoned out for a bit."

D- "Um George we need to talk, Sapnap told me something."

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