-thirty six-

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A few hours after Andre had arrived, Perrie had started to relax a tiny bit. However, her eyes were still darting around the room at any shuffle he made, she's transfixed on him if he moved more than an inch and it wasn't really good for Perrie's mental state. Thankfully, we'd managed to get her to drink, and have a snack but she wouldn't leave the room Andre was in. It was kind of sad really, to know she couldn't relax but we were trying our best!

We had In The Night Garden on and Jade was encouraging Perrie to play. "Ooh, I like the ninky nonk," Andre said suddenly, looking up from his phone. Leigh smirked and put her phone away, making it obvious to us all Leigh had told him to say it but Perrie's eyes widened in surprise. "N-ninky nonk?" She gasped, pointing to the TV screen then back to Andre. Andre smiled widely and nodded. "It goes bouncy doesn't it?" He asked Perrie. Perrie's eyes gleamed with something I hadn't seen before but she nodded in reply and bounced around on her bottom. "Just like that! See Iggle piggle is bouncing too!" Andre said, pointing to the screen. Perrie looked at it and gasped, seeing Iggle Piggle bouncing around the inside of the Ninky Nonk. "Bwounce bwounce," Perrie giggled, her gaze and attention away from Andre and her fears. I was happy with that- even if it only lasted a minute.


"Jadey," I heard Leigh mutter from the door. Jade looked up from the coffee table to Leigh. Leigh motioned for her to come over so she did, kissing Perrie's head on the way. However, that caught Perrie's attention and she decided to follow Jade out. "No baby, you go back with Jesy," Leigh said, giggling a little. "No, no, no Wadey!" Perrie whined, reaching her hands out to Jade. It was a quiet whine but we all heard. "What's up anyway? She won't understand," Jade chuckled, standing Perrie up and holding her close to her. Perrie snuggled into Jade but kept her eyes on Andre. He smiled at her and she whimpered but he was being careful- Perrie was just fearful.


"I've started and we don't have anything left!" Leigh whined to me, hoping from one foot to another. "Bwouncy," Perrie muttered, pointing at Leigh. Leigh and I chuckled. "There's things in my bedroom, under the cupboard where they always are babes," I smiled, nodded up to my bedroom. "Are you sure? I've already looked there," she whined. "I'm positive, I stocked up last week," I stated. She just simply nodded and ran up the stairs. Perrie watched her go but when Andre coughed, her head whipped back around to stare at him.


"Come on baba, come sit down," I smiled, tapping the seat next to me at the dinner table but Perrie refused. Her bottom was rooted to the spot at the doorway and she wasn't going to come any closer to Andre.

"How about you sit up here"? Jesy suggested, tapping the island seat. Perrie looked at it, then at Andre and instantly shuffled over. I smiled proudly. Jesy sat beside her whilst Andre, Leigh and I sat at the dinner table. As long as Perrie was comfortable, I didn't mind where she sat. "That was amazing baby," Andre smiled, leaned over and kissed Leigh-Anne's cheek. I couldn't help btu hear the growl come from Perrie's direction. "Thank you bub, I'm glad you enjoyed it," Leigh replied, smiling at Andre and then giving him a proper kiss.

I chuckled as Perrie growled a little louder. She hadn't eaten much but she didn't really want to eat much. We'd tried letting her eat with her hands but she didn't like getting that messy, we'd tried feeding her ourselves but she was refusing it. Perrie looked to me and smiled sweetly, I smiled back.

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