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I sit down at our normal lunch spot, and wonder if anyone will join me today. If they don't it's not the end of the world. Like usual I have my books, and I even brought my airpods today. I put one in and start to day dream.

" What are you daydreaming about?" says a familiar cheery voice. "Oh, uh nothing Naomi I guess I was just zoned out" I reply. Even though I was most definitely daydreaming about you know who.

Her beautiful red loose curls, that frame her face so nicely. The freckles all over her skin, like constellations in the night sky. The way she smiles, and the sound of her laugh. Oh god, when we make eye contact, I could get lost in those eyes.

I hear someone make a comment about homecoming and I snap back into reality. "So where was everyone yesterday?" I decide to ask. "What do you mean?" Tucker asks. "No one sat here at lunch yesterday" I say hoping no one thinks I missed them. " Oh well I wasn't here, I don't know about the rest of them" Tucker replies, saving himself.

"Saf and I ate together," Naomi says with her normal innocence in her tone. "Yeah we wanted to get to know each other better" Saf adds. "Oh I see, I wasn't aware y'all were into each other" I joke, winking at Saf. Her face goes bright red. Tucker and Sawyer choke on their drinks.

"I-, I uh didn't know you liked girls Saf" Sawyer says sounding a little sad and confused. "Same for you Naomi" Tucker adds in, "we don't , or at least I don't but I think it's we" Naomi answers. I wait for Saf to say something, anything that might hint to how she feels, but that doesn't happen. Then the bell rings.


I'm walking through the hall and I see Saf alone at her locker. Since I was still wondering about the conversation at lunch I decide I'll ask her again, just somewhere a little more private. I walk over to her and lean up to her ear. She shudders at the feeling of my breath on her neck and turns an adorable shade of pink. "You never answered the question at lunch" I whisper and walk over to the girls bathroom door. I look back at her and wink before walking in.

Lucky for me it was completely empty inside, and she apparently got the message because she soon appeared. "Oh so you aren't completely oblivious" I say when she walks in. "Is that a compliment from the stone cold Ava May" she shoots back. "MMmhm stone cold huh?" I say taking a step towards her. "Do you want to see just how stone cold I can be?" I whisper in her ear and after watching her turn read I kiss her quick on the cheek. Before I can open the door I feel her hand around my wrist. She pulls me back to her and kisses me.

Is this really happening!! The beautiful Safia Delavuex kissing me. What does this even mean. Not just a quick peck either, it's a long kiss full of passion, possibly even fueled by hatred. Almost as suddenly as it began it was over, and she was running out the door.  

AHHHH that really just happened things are gonna start changing soon and the next chapter will be back in Saf's view. 

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