Chapter 1

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Every kingdom has a King. Every King has a Queen. They have a Jack who serves them in the open and an Ace who aids them in the shadows. Such it has always been in the four Kingdoms that governs the world.

The wealthy Kingdom of Diamonds.

The beautiful Kingdom of Hearts.

The vast Kingdom of Clubs.

The mighty Kingdom of Spades.

Each has a King, each has a Queen, and together they rule their beloved kingdom as one. It has been this way for eons, as this was the natural law of the world.

However the Kingdom of Spades has not had a Queen for a hundred years.


“Is there really a need to do this?” huffed Alfred, buttoning up his waistcoat and tightening his tie, “I mean, what is the point? Is there a point? What would be the worst case scenario if I didn’t do this?” The King of Spades looked over his shoulder. “Well?”

“It’s tradition,” answered Wang Yao, the Jack of Spades standing nearby as he watched the taller man dress himself, “as King it’s your duty to uphold and maintain our traditions.”

“I know that,” huffed Alfred, throwing on his coat and checking over himself in the mirror, “it’s just that this particular tradition requires a... y’know.”

Yao rolled his eyes, uncertain if the King was testing him on stupidity or something, after all the King did this same routine whenever certain events and ceremonies took place. “I am very well aware that this ceremony requires a Queen present-“

“Exactly!” Alfred stepped away from the mirror and approached the composed Jack. “There is no Queen, so why are we doing this!?”

“Because it’s tradition,” repeated Yao, raising his voice slightly as the young King’s attitude was starting to stress him out. “Besides, you know full well that since we lack a Queen the other Kingdoms lend us their Queen, and they don’t complain because it’s-”

“Tradition! Yeah, I get it.” Alfred stamped his foot upon the floor, leaving a crack upon the decorated stone, and mumbled foul words to himself. He knew that this upcoming ceremony was important, he knew that since his kingdom lacked a Queen the other kingdoms lent him their Queens... it just annoyed him that he had to do this with a Queen. As far as he was concerned the Kingdom of Spades seemed to be doing well without the presence of a Queen.

“Remind me again, which Queen is...”

“Queen Erika from the Diamond Kingdom,” answered Yao.

“Oh yeah,” muttered Alfred, instantly recalling that he got a letter a few weeks ago from Francis, the Diamond King, that expressed his eagerness to see him once again. “That reminds me, I better get the chefs to bring up that special reserve he likes.”

Yao seemed concerned now. “Look, could you please, PLEASE, try to focus on the task at hand,” he pleaded, “once it’s over you can go and party, eat and drink, flirt, I don’t care. Just please do this right.”

Alfred smirked and gave the Jack a reassuring pat on the back. “Relax Yao, I got this. It’s a simple task anyway and who better to do it than me!”

Yao wasn’t easily swayed with Alfred’s honeyed words, but he took it for what it was. Alfred may act like an overgrown child but when he set his mind to something he’d see it through his own unique way.

Now that he was properly dressed and looked like a proper regal King, Alfred exited his private chambers with Yao following close behind. As he walked through the beautiful hallways he was greeted by the maids, servants, and scholars who all bowed in the presence of their King. Alfred would either smile, wave or wink at his subjects, pleased to see that they were doing well and working hard.

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