Chapter 18

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Sorry, I mentioned Arthur would return in this chapter but I couldn’t quite work him in as this one got a little too dark. Anyway sorry for delay, I’ve been busy with work :)

Watching the children run about the fairground was making Alfred feel like a little kid again, and he was doing everything in his power not to join in with them. All the rides were working including the Ferris wheel, and every single child looked like they were having a blast. They ran around with balloons and sweets, watched the entertainers in awe, and screamed in delight as they rode the attractions. Alfred himself was thanked by the teachers and the parents, and even the children ran up to him and begged him to carry him. They had heard of his legendary strength and soon Alfred had four children dangling off each of his arms. The Diamond court also made an appearance, with Erika getting surrounded by young children who were keen to see her and Basch watched over her to make certain she wouldn’t get overwhelmed. Francis was, as usual, surrounded by people who couldn’t resist his charms, and even some children commented on how pretty he was, making Alfred a little jealous.

Yao had chosen to remain inside as he couldn’t handle the screaming children, plus he wanted to go over the plans for when the other Kings and their courts arrived. Alfred thought it was for the best as Yao could get quite scary around children. In fact Basch himself was starting to glare viciously at some kids who were tugging too hard at Erika’s dress, his overprotective nature was both adorable and intimidating. Erika just looked like she was having fun as she spoke with children and walked around with them, although she did protest when they tried to drag her on a roller coaster. Alfred couldn’t resist laughing as Basch had to rescue her and aided by distracting the kids with some ice cream.

The whole fair was going great and the smiles he saw was enough to let Alfred know he did a good job. He took a quick break by sitting down whilst eating a toffee apple, waving to some of the children who waved over at him and he smiled as he watched the children continue to scream and run a mock without a care in the world. With a sigh Alfred couldn’t help but wonder what if Arthur had managed to come. Would he tell the children stories? Go on the rides with them? Eat some of the treats? Alfred wished he could’ve come but no matter how he pleaded Arthur insisted that he couldn’t, he could only promise that one day he’d visit. When would “one day” come?

“I have to say this is one of the best fairs I’ve ever visited outside my Kingdom,” laughed Francis, approaching Alfred with a glass of lemonade in his hand. “The ones we hold cater to both children and adults, but even an adult can enjoy this one.”

“What can I say,” boasted Alfred, “I know how to party.”

“There’s no denying that. Every party or function you ever hosted has always left me impressed, which is why I’m eager for the annual dinner party.”

“Trust me, it will.”

The loud cries of children from the Ferris wheel caught their attention and Francis smirked. “I heard you got trapped up on that Ferris wheel yesterday,” he chuckled, “that would’ve made my day seeing you stuck up there.”

Alfred rolled his eyes, figuring that Yao must’ve told him that. “I had to test it to make sure the kids would be safe.”

“And not for your own amusement?”

“...a little.”

“I swear you’re just a child with an adult body.”

Alfred bit into his treat as Francis continued to tease him. After swallowing it down he noticed a group of children were standing nearby and staring at him with eager eyes. They seemed nervous and were debating amongst themselves wether to approach or not, some of them pushing others to get closer. Alfred smirked and ushered them over.

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