Chapter 34

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With Arthur unconscious in his arms, Alfred briskly made his way to the first place that popped into his head; his room. Mainly because it was the only place he could think of where he’d be able to let Arthur rest in a comfortable bed. He walked through the hallways, passing by the palace staff who were shocked to see their King in such a state whilst carrying a man they had never seen before. Yao followed close behind and continued to bombard Alfred with questions such as, did he really go to the Forest of Eternity? How did he manage to leave? What happened to the Elder Tree? Who was that man he was carrying? As much as he wanted to answer Yao, Alfred wanted to get Arthur somewhere where he could rest safely.

Finally reaching his room, Yao had enough with the silent treatment. “Would just tell me what the hell is going on!?” he snapped as Alfred gently lowered Arthur into his bed.

“Ok, ok,” huffed Alfred, not realising how tired he was. “I’ll explain, but first-...”

“No! I want answers now,” snapped Yao, stamping his foot.

“I was going to ask if you get a doctor,” pleaded Alfred, trying to get his Jack to keep the noise down with his hands. “It’s for him-...”

“Who the hell is he anyway!?”

“It’s Arthur!”

Yao opened his mouth to say something but closed it immediately when the realisation just hit him. He looked at the sleeping man in Alfred’s bed and then back at his King.

“You mean... your Arthur?”


“The one from the garden?”


“...that Arthur?”

“Oh my god, YES!”

“Then that means-... he’s the Queen of-... oh my...” Yao suddenly went speechless and he looked at the pair of them, trying to figure out what to say. “How...? Why...!? Wasn’t he...? Didn’t you...? How in the-...”

“Yao, I can understand that this is confusing and I will explain it all later, but I need you to do a couple of things for me,” demanded Alfred, resting his hands upon Yao’s shoulders. “First, I need a doctor to make sure he’s alright, and second, I need to let the other courts know what is going on so could you get them all in the Gathering hall ASAP?” Yao didn’t say anything at first so Alfred had to shake him. “Now Yao!”

“Huh? Oh y-yes... right away.”

Yao then dashed off and Alfred glanced over at Arthur before entering his en suite. He turned on the taps, the water gushing out instantly, reaching out and holding as much as he could before slashing it on his face. He completely forgot he was wearing glasses so he took them off and continued to clean his face. Once he was done he dunked his head into the half full sink and started swallowing as much water as he could. Although he really wanted a soda, he was craving just plain water right about now. Once his thirst was quenched he stood back up and slapped his glasses back on, inspecting himself in the mirror. He still looked like a wreck with his torn clothing and his greasy hair, and the rings under his eyes indicating that he was tired.

There wasn’t any time to sleep as he stumbled back into his room, his eyes automatically locking into Arthur. He approached him and placed a hand upon his head, relieved to see that there was no fever. It seemed that he really was asleep but he’d be happier once an actual doctor checked him over. His eyes did wander down to his clasped hand, wondering what Guinevere had given him before she disappeared. Thinking of the deceased Elder Tree spirit made Alfred sigh miserably, not caring that his Kingdom just lost a national treasure but was more distressed that he lost a friend, a very strange but important friend. It must’ve hurt Arthur more to watch the Tree he raised to suddenly die before him, no wonder he just fainted like that. Or maybe being stuck in a suspended state only to wake up a hundred years later took a toll on him, and his body was trying to adjust.

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