Chapter 27

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I’m working on this as best I can but I’m currently on a course, not giving up on it, your comments inspire me to continue :)

WARNING: This chapter contains mild violence, mention of blood, and physical contact without consent

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Staring at the empty seat next to him, Alfred could not help but wonder what it would be like when Arthur would be the one sitting in it. It was the chair reserved for the Spade Queen, but since there hadn’t been one for over a hundred years it had remained empty and only brought out as tradition or possibly to remind the Spade Kingdom of what they lacked. Though it was never used it was as pristine as ever, as if it was just waiting for someone to sit upon it. Arthur would make an excellent Queen, Alfred was certain of that. His sharp tongue and superior attitude along with his dignified pose and gentlemanly personality would make the Spade Court seem more wickedly intimidating and appear more powerful. However the chair remained empty, but Alfred knew it wouldn’t be for long.

“I’m still... having trouble understanding all this.”

Ludwig’s troubled voice brought Alfred’s attention back to the meeting taking place. The Heart King appeared that he was desperately trying to understand what was being discussed, but he was having a hard time doing so. He wasn’t the only one, the Diamond Queen and Club Queen appeared equally bewildered by all this. The Club King said nothing but seemed to be in deep thought, and all the Jack’s with the exception of Yao were just trying to make sense all of this. The only ones who seemed to have an idea of what was going on was the Diamond King and the Heart Queen, as well as Alfred.

“I can understand why you’re having trouble Ludwig,” spoke Francis, “and even I trouble believing in it, but if there is one thing I know about our world is that there are things that exist that make little sense.”

“That doesn’t really explain this whole... situation,” said Elizabeta suddenly. “So you’re saying that Alfred here has been mysteriously visiting some garden for the past month without anyone noticing and meeting with someone he only just realised was the Spade Queen... and you’re expecting us to just accept all that?” Elizabeta meant well, she just couldn’t believe it as did the others.

“I have to admit that ever since arriving here, I’ve been feeling an odd presence,” confessed Erika sheepishly, “could it be that little girl you were referring to?”

“Do no be ridiculous Erika,” scoffed Basch suddenly, the Diamond Jack addressing his Queen in a bold manner, “you can’t believe such a tall tale can you?”

“The Spade King wouldn’t call for a Gathering unless it was needed,” retorted Yao.

“If he even understand what it’s meant for,” muttered Ivan under his breath, smiling as if he meant it as a joke.

“Ivan, I’m fairly certain that young Alfred here would not suddenly announce a Gathering with no good reason,” defended Ludwig, “even if I still have trouble understanding it.” With a sigh the Heart King glanced over at Alfred. “ I terribly sorry but... could you confirm what you just told us?”

Alfred sighed heavily. When he announced that he was hosting a sudden Gathering it got the other courts buzzing with curiosity and excitement, even he himself could not deny how thrilled he was to take part in it, let alone host it. Erika tried to pry the information out of him, Ivan asked if it had something to do with him, and even Ludwig offered to assist Alfred in setting it all up, given his impressive experience when it came to things like this. Alfred remained professional and waited until the Gathering took place before he told anyone anything. He waited until a day passed after announcing and once all four courts had gathered in a special chamber within the palace, Alfred told them all the reason he arranged it. At first they all thought he was playing them for fools but Francis and Kiku backed his story, and the whole thing left them dumbfounded.

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