Chapter 23

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Alfred shivered slightly as a small chill managed to work its way up his back, causing his spine to tingle and he couldn’t help but chatter his teeth. He glanced down at the train tracks as they stretched off into the distance, hoping to see signs of the expected steam engine but so far he saw nothing, not even a pillar of smoke.

“Not long now,” insisted Yao, who stood nearby.

“Is it just me or is it getting chilly all of a sudden?” asked Alfred, rubbing his arms in the hopes the friction would warm him up.

“It’s just you,” sighed Yao, who was actually feeling a little warm, “no one else here is feeling chilly. Just relax.”

“I am relaxed.”

“No you’re not. I understand why but could you please just try to feel at ease. Ivan is someone you needn’t fear-...”

“He doesn’t scare me.”

“Then don’t act like it.”

He rolled his eyes at him and returned his gaze back down the train tracks, hoping to see an oncoming train bringing the members of the Club court. Since the Club Kingdom was so far north and set right smack dab in the middle of a frozen tundra, the best method of travel was by steam engine. There were many train tracks that linked all the Kingdoms to transports passengers and trading goods, and it was a transport system used primarily by the Club Kingdom as it was the only safe way to travel in the frozen lands of the Club Kingdom. It was also the method used by the Club court to travel to the other Kingdoms.

The train station that Alfred and Yao waited in had been throughly cleaned out and repainted, with flowers placed all around until it almost looked like a garden and even smelled like one, it was actually making some of the staff members sniffle a little. A red carpet had been rolled out and the station master was wearing a pressed uniform that looked brand new, the station staff professionally dashing about and getting ready to receive the expected train. Like with the Diamond and the Heart courts, the royal guard was in place and ready to greet their esteemed guest, and spectators were crowding around the station in the hopes to see their visitors from the north. Alfred was wearing an extra layer under his clothes as he was fairly certain that whenever Ivan came he brought the cold with him.

Although he was here to formally greet the King of Clubs as the King of Spades, Alfred still could not help but wonder if Ivan was indeed the one who locked up Arthur. He knew Ivan ran prisons where the inmates were made to tend to gardens, and he couldn’t ignore the fact that Arthur was growing a garden within the confides of his prisons just like the criminals did in the Club Kingdom, it seemed like a huge coincidence. He was certain Arthur was no criminal, he recalled the tale he had told him of his youth and he never mentioned anything of committing a crime or doing anything that was worthy of being called a crime. If Ivan was indeed the one who held Arthur, he wanted to know why and he ultimately wanted Ivan to release him. Still he had no solid proof, only a speculation from his Jack, but he was determined to uncover the truth. All he cared about right now was finding Arthur and freeing him.

“Here it comes,” announced Yao.

Alfred glanced up and saw in the distance a large pillar of smoke rising from the ground, he couldn’t quite see the source of it just yet. Within minutes the sound of a mighty steam engine chugging away began to fill the air, along with the sound of a loud whistle blasting away. The station staff began getting into position, blowing their own whistles and raising their signals, the royal guard getting prepared to greet the visiting King. Soon Alfred was able to see a large and (he hated to admit it) a beautifully crafted steam engine as it slowly made its way into the station. It was made from steel and chrome, gorgeous patterns etched into it and decorated so it looked like horses were pulling it along the tracks. The Club Kingdom’s symbol was proudly displayed upon it, decorated with what looked like finely carved emeralds. The carriages also looked like they were crafted from precious metals and decorated just as beautifully as the engine that pulled them along. Though it was indeed a spectacular sight the whole contraption looked as intimidating as the King who was inside it.

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