Chapter 20

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Alfred rolled a pen back and forth between his hands, watching it as it moved across his desk as if he was trying to put himself in a trance. He focused on the small details he would normally not care about, or the the small things he had never noticed before. How the light reflected off it almost perfectly. How it seemed to roll perfectly on the flat surface. How the golden nib was still perfectly clean despite it constantly being used. Still no matter how hard he tried to focus on it, no matter what detail he tried to force his attention on, he couldn’t get his mind off Arthur, and every time he thought about Arthur he felt really weird and confused.

Why though? All Arthur said was that he want to touch his hair. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Why did a request like that make him feel so strange? People had ruffled his hair before, some had even petted him and he wasn’t too bothered by it, so why was it that when Arthur asked him flat out he suddenly lost the ability to speak and was unable to think straight? He tried to think of an answer but he wasn’t sure what the answer was, and he wasn’t even certain where to start looking for one.

“Were you listening Alfred?”

Alfred looked up to see Yao glaring at him with fiery golden eyes whilst Francis was casually sitting on a nearby armchair. “Sorry, what now?”

Yao rolled his eyes and groaned, slapping his arms against his sides. “I said, what were you thinking bringing a Joker of all things into a fair filled with children!? We were lucky that no one is complaining that you exposed them to one, they’re all assuming he was just extra entertainment!”

“It wasn’t exactly planned,” said Francis, trying to defend Alfred, “Besides, it’s not as if he damaged anything... apart from my limited edition silk blouse from the Diamond Kingdom’s top designer. They don’t make these anymore you know.”

“That’s not the point,” huffed Yao, ignoring the offended gasp that Francis emitted, “Jokers are unpredictable and dangerous if not properly controlled! We could’ve had a major incident on our hands, we’re lucky that he didn’t hurt anyone. What were you thinking of bringing one in around children? What if one of them got hurt?”

“Jokers are forbidden from harming anyone,” muttered Francis.

“They find ways,” argued Yao, “just don’t ever summon one again without consulting me first Alfred! We’ve got the Heart Court coming tomorrow and I don’t want them coming with the idea that the Spade King would randomly summon a Joker. Alright!?”

Alfred had returned his attention to the pen during the whole conversation, now twirling it around with his fingers. He only looked up when he realised how quiet it had gotten. “Sorry... what?”

In a situation like this Yao would’ve shouted at him for not paying attention or even snatch the pen off him, but the Jack could sense that something was off. He glanced over at Francis who had now risen out of his seat and walked over to join him, the pair of them staring at the distracted young King.


“Hmmm?” Alfred wasn’t looking up, he just continued to toy with the pen.

Francis realised that his mind was elsewhere and something was telling him it was regarding a personal issue, an issue that needed a delicate and experienced touch. He turned to Yao and patted him on the shoulder. “Why don’t you go and take a break, I think your King and I need to have a little talk.”

Yao frowned but didn’t argue, there was some work he had to finish off and he wanted to finish it before the sun set. He politely excused himself and left the two King’s alone. Francis returned his attention to Alfred, snatching the pen out of his hand and noticing that it took him five seconds to realise his own was missing from his hands.

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