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Alfred yawned as the car came to a halt at long last, stretching out his stiff limbs and rotating his tired hips. The journey back from the Heart Kingdom has worn him out and he was glad to be back home at long last. The moment the car door opened he stepped out before his legs fell asleep, trying to look professional as his guard welcomed him home. He had only been gone a week but it felt like an eternity since he had been here.

“Welcome back Alfred.”

Waiting for him patiently as always was Yao, the Spade Jack ready with a clipboard in hand, and a rare smile on his face

“I just got back and you already have things for me to do?” moaned Alfred as he climbed up the steps “At least let me rest a bit”.

“Just a few,” promised Yao as he followed close behind him.

“Last time you said that I had to do over a hundred tasks before you let me go to bed!”

“I mean it this time, I promise.” Yao held up the clipboard as he read the contents. “First off, you have a PR event in a few days in the Central Park, it’s for charity and it’s hot to be flashy. So I’ll let you work your charm on it.”

“Another one? Not that I’m complaining, I love doing those sort of things.”

“Second, the Diamond Court will be coming next week now. Apparently King Francis caught a cold or something, he said he wasn’t feeling very well and has apologised.”

Alfred couldn’t help but snort. “I wonder how he got that.”

“Lastly, it’ll be the Anniversary in a few days.” Yao pauses and glanced up at him. “Planned anything special?”

Stopping dead in his tracks, Alfred sighed as he took in what his Jack had told him. “It’s already been a year?”

“Yes,” answered Yao, “got anything in mind, or did you completely forget?”

“No!” Alfred shook his head furiously, his cheeks turning a little red. “I’m just surprised that it’s already been a year, it felt more like a couple of months.”

“It has gone by rather fast,” admitted Yao as he stared up at the crystal blue sky, “and it’s been a really good year for the Spade Kingdom. Fortune has indeed smile upon us.

Alfred smiled as he thought back on all the memories from the past year, those beautiful moments reminding him of the one person he had been dying to see the moment he came home, and he wanted to go seek him out right now.

“Where is-...”

“In his garden, and he has been missing you terribly,” answered Yao with a smile, “come see me after you reunite and take your time.”

Alfred gave Yao a wave of thanks and trotted off, the Jack bowing as he himself went off to perform his other duties. As Alfred walked through the palace, he thought back on the events that had transpired until now, still unable to believe it had been a whole year since he brought Arthur back from the forest of Eternity.


After he brought Arthur back from the Forest of Eternity and introduced him to the other courts, Alfred had the task of integrating him into their present society, as well as organising the official coronation of the Queen of Spades. Although he initially settled in well at first, Arthur was still having a little trouble getting used to this era as many things were beyond his understanding. He didn’t understand most of the technology and although it was funny at first, it was actually starting to become a problem when he couldn’t perform basic tasks with simple everyday objects. Yao was willing to step in to educate him whilst Alfred had to deal with the official announcement of the return of the Queen of Spades. A large press conference was organised and journalists from all over the four Kingdoms turned up to get the details of the big news.

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