Chapter 21

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Staring into the blue sky Alfred could not help but sigh as he admired how beautiful it was, how it just filled up the entire space above him, he could just fall into it. It was just the right shade, not too bright and not too dark, and there were a few fluffy clouds that made the blue stand out more. Even the birds that flew high above him appeared to look much more fairer than he was used to, their lovely singing filling the air and fuelling his heart.

“Alfred, focus!”


Alfred’s face was yanked down so he found himself staring in the golden eyes of his Jack, who was looking more panicky than normal. “Alfred, they’ll be here any minute now so could you please get your head out of the clouds!”

“Oh right,” chuckled Alfred, still smiling and his blue eyes were filled with stars and a dreamy look, “sorry, just admiring what a beautiful day it is.”

Yao groaned as his King continued to act like he was in a daze. “Alfred I mean it!”

“It’s fine,” sighed Alfred, “it’s a beautiful day to greet the Heart Kingdom, huh?”

“It is but as the King you have to act more formal.”

“Hmm mmm.”

“Alfred, I will smack you.”

“Huh uh.”

“I mean it!”

Alfred just smirked and patted Yao on the shoulder. “Relax Yao, I got this. Just relax and appreciate the beautiful day all around us.”

Yao dropped his head with a moan. “It’s days like this I wish Francis was wrong.”

Alfred chuckled once again and insisted that he was focused on the task at hand. He stared out at the gorgeous river that sparkled in the sunlight and sighed heavily. The port he and Yao stood in was so clean it looked the place had just been built and the decorations were spectacular to look at, all carefully arranged by the port staff. The royal guard were stood to attention and the harbour master and his team stood by, ready to greet the visiting Heart Court. In the distance he could see the crowds on the other side of the river, and some spectators were out on their boats as they awaited the arrival of their Kingdom’s guests. Everything was ready to go and the only thing Yao was concerned about was Alfred’s dreamy like state, his mind currently off in another world.

He couldn’t exactly help it. Alfred felt like he was smack dab in the centre of the universe, his heart felt like it was floating and a wonderful sensation within him felt like he was soaring through the heavens. It was like fireworks and celebrations were constantly going off in his soul, that no matter what challenge that came his way he could face them head on with a smile on his face. He just wanted to hug everyone he met, pick every flower he saw and arrange it into a beautiful bouquet, and sing his heart out as he run through the streets. The smile on his face was as broad as his shoulders, and it was causing a few people to stare at him out of curiosity, wondering why their King was in such a giddy mood.

The reason? Alfred had recently figured out he was deeply in love with Arthur, and upon coming to realising this emotion that had stirred within him he was over the moon.

Alfred sighed as he thought of all of his memories regarding Arthur, allowing them to flood his mind. He saw him in a different light now, he no longer saw him as a odd man who lived in a garden, now he saw Arthur was cute and loveable even when he got angry there was just something adorable about him. His beautiful singing voice, his many talents, even the fact that he was an awful cook made him seem more loveable. There was also something charming about him, the way he looked and dressed, his smart clothes and his polished shoes. His messy golden hair, his emerald green eyes that sparkles in the light, and even his thick eyebrows that made them stand out. Alfred even thought about the smiles he made and those memories made him feel even more giddy. It also made other feelings and other desires blossom within his mind, like how Arthur’s body was so thin and how slender his limbs were. There was just something attractive about his body and Alfred felt a new desire towards him, although he was still entering new territory and was still unsure of how to deal with these desires, he was still eager to see them through, but above all else he couldn’t wait to see him again.

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