Chapter 17

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I wasn’t in my A game when writing this chapter :( This chapter was just for Alfred to confide in Francis.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

After getting the Diamond court settled in, Alfred and Francis took a small walk through one of the gardens so that they could catch up with each other. There wasn’t that much that had happened to Francis during his last visit apart from the usual stuff he had to put up with in his Kingdom. He recently taste tested a selection of century old wine, oversaw the latest addition to his sea fleet, was a judge in a high profile fashion contest, commissioned a new college for the Art society, and continued to enchant any lovely lady or man who caught his eye. Basch did an excellent job as always as the Jack, his strict nature and his attention to detail almost put Yao’s own personality to shame. Queen Erika’s presence continued to ease her people’s worries, she was always visiting the farmers on the outskirts of their kingdom to thank them for their efforts, performed her royal duties in her unique and graceful manner, and continued to support numerous charities. The Diamond Kingdom sounded as if it was doing very well, as always and Alfred commended Francis for his ongoing success.

“And what about you, mon ami?” Francis seemed keen to know how Alfred had been faring. “I have heard a few interesting stories of late, including how you didn’t take with a certain young lady.”

“Oh that?” Alfred chuckled nervously as he ran a hand through his hair, not realising that the news of his and the Hamilton girl unsuccessful hook up would reach the Diamond Kingdom. “I wasn’t interested and neither was she, thank god. I mean, I didn’t want her in tears so I was glad we both come to the same conclusion.”

Alfred tried to laugh it off but Francis was gazing at him with a hint of curiosity. “I see, but why? I mean, why didn’t you take with her? Was she not your type? Was she too dull? Or... is there someone else?”

Alfred almost tripped over himself and he coughed loudly, Francis taking a note of the reaction. “W-what? Of course not. She and I were just not interested in each other.”

“Really?” Francis didn’t seem convinced. “You turned down a fine lady just like that for no other reason? I’ve spoken with her once and even I could not resist her charms.”

“Yes,” huffed Alfred, folding his arms and pouting. He forgot that Francis had an annoying habit of trying to stick his nose into his private life.

Francis smiled mischievously. “Forgive me Alfred, but I just can’t help but notice that something is different about you. What have you been doing since our last meeting?”

Alfred paused for a moment and wondered if he should tell Francis about Arthur and the garden. Yao didn’t believe him and assumed that these strange trips of his were nothing more than stress. He knew that it was an insane story which was why he decided to investigate himself, but maybe Francis would have an idea. He was a King after all, and maybe he might know something. That and he just happened to be a really good friend.

He ushered Francis into a small part of the garden where they sat down upon a white bench, far away from prying eyes and curious ears. “Promise you won’t think I’m insane or joking,” pleaded Alfred.

That made Francis raise both his brows. “Ok,” he agreed casually, leaning back as he folded his arms and crossed his legs.

Alfred took a deep breath and started from the very beginning. He told Francis of how he woke up one night and found himself in a room that was not his with a man he didn’t know. How he thought he fell asleep during a planning meeting but instead returned to the same room with the same man, learning that he couldn’t interact with anything in that room and learnt that the man’s name was Arthur. He assumed it was some strange dream until his third visit during an argument with his staff over floral arrangements, when Arthur revealed he was growing a beautiful garden surrounded by tall stone walls. That nearly every single day he’d go there for an hour or two and when he returned to the palace no time had passed. He even spoke of the strange little girl, who was probably the one sending him there, the strange dreams and the silver door bound by chains. He told Francis everything he knew, hoping that the Diamond King would have some idea what was happening to him.

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