Chapter 33

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Stumbling through the cavern, Alfred walked towards the strange light that illuminated what he hoped was the exit. He had no where else to go thus he had no choice but to see where this exit lead. For all he knew it probably lead to some sort of trap and this whole thing was designed to torture him. Only moments ago he was at the mercy of the vengeful spirits of the four slain Elder Trees, getting torn apart by the vicious things, and then he found himself in a strange underground lake with no injuries, just his torn and ruined clothes as the only evidence of what happened to him.

“I could be dead,” he wondered aloud, “this is probably the underworld and I’m on my way to either heaven or hell.”

It wasn’t what he truly believed as he was certain he was still very much alive. So then why was he here? He was certain that the Grand Elder Tree has told him that in order to save the world from the vengeful spirits of it’s slain children, he had to allow them to take their vengeance upon him. It was a death sentence plain and simple, so why wasn’t he dead?

He almost reached the cavern exit and he covered his eyes as the light began to blind him. Walking forward he finally stepped out of the cavern and into some large open area. His eyes had a hard time adjusting to the light and he squinted until they were able to focus. When he looked up to see where he was, he staggered backwards in complete awe.


All around him was a forest made up entirely of Elder Trees. No longer was he surrounded by the bleak and twisted nature that was the Forest of Eternity but now he found himself what had to be a paradise like no other. Nothing else but hundred and hundreds of these sacred trees surrounded him, as far as his eyes could see. Their silver bark shimmered in the strange light, and their blue leaves glowing like the sky on a sunny day. The ground was littered with beautiful flowers that swayed in the breeze and gave off such a sweet scent it was enough to relax him. A nearby waterfall of pure fresh water poured down a small ledge and into a stream that trickled and bubbled as it flowed through the forest floor. Looking up beyond their branches he could just make out the blue sky that, for some reason bore stars that twinkled gently. The whole place was surreal but beautiful, not even an artist could capture its beauty even if he sat right here and painted it.

It was like something out of a dream. No one could ever hope to see so many Elder Trees in one place. Although he had literally walked away from a life or death situation, Alfred could not help but look around in wonder and amazement.

“If Ivan was here, he’d have a heart attack,” he chuckled, uncertain why he was in such a happy mood.

He walked away from the cave he emerged from, wondering if he indeed ended up in heaven. He could hear strange but pleasant sounds coming from all around him, like the sound of laughing children. As he peered through the trees around him, he could see bizarre creatures that looked like they jumped straight out of a fairytale. Rabbits with horns. Birds that looked like they were on fire. Butterflies that giggled as they fluttered about. Giant stag like beasts that carefully treaded through the trees. It was like everything was alive around him, even the flowers around his feet moved out of his way so he wouldn’t step on them. It was like a whole other world.

“What even is this place?” he mumbled.

“The Forest of Eternity.”

Alfred nearly jumped when heard that familiar voice. “Y-you!?”

“Who else? Welcome to my realm King of Spades. Not many have had the privilege to walk through here.”

Alfred felt uneasy as he looked around. “Where are you anyway? I thought you wanted me dead!”

“I said no such thing. Honestly, you’re as simple minded as you always were.”

“B-But you told me in order to save the world-...”

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