Chapter 26

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Alfred could only stare at Arthur with a slacked jaw, the truth still fresh in his mind and although he was looking at it, he still found it hard to believe. Arthur just stood there with the towel clinging round his slim waist and the mark of the Queen of Spades displayed where his neck met his body. It wasn’t fake, Alfred was able to tell despite the fact he had never seen the actual mark upon another person, but it was still unbelievable like it had just jumped out of a fairytale. For over a century the mark of the Queen of Spades had only been seen in books or paintings, but to see it imprinted upon the flesh of another person was considered a fantasy until now.

He could still not believe it, that this whole time Arthur was the Queen of Spades. The person he cherished more than anything was destined to be his Queen. It felt like dream that he was tempted to pinch himself just to check but he couldn’t even think about moving any of his limbs, he was too transfixed on what he was looking at. The Queen of Spades who had been vacant from the throne for a very long time, so long that now people didn’t even seem to care was standing right in front of him. It was a bombshell of shock and Alfred was still recovering from it, unable to speak or even move.

“I suppose you know now,” sighed Arthur, reaching for a dressing gown and wrapping it round his thin body. “I guess you’re confused? I can understand, it would make anyone feel conflicted but it should also help explain a few things.”

Glancing over at him, Arthur couldn’t help but utter a “tch” sound as he continued to stand there with an open mouth.

“I know it’s a bit shocking but you don’t have to stand there like a twat,” he huffed.

Alfred had to shake himself out of his shocked state but he was still unable to form words. He was still trying to think of what to say or how to even react to this whole revelation.

“Alfred, say something!”

Arthur was looking annoyed yet anxious as well, as if he was desperate to hear his thoughts about all this.

“This... this is...”

Alfred was trying but it was still such a momentous reveal. His hands were shivering and he was certain he was sweating.

“This is what? Alfred, you really-...”

“This is WONDERFUL!”

Alfred suddenly broke into a giddy smile and his eyes sparkled as he stared at Arthur with pure uncut joy. He acted like a child who was just given a truckload of presents and sweets, he could barely contain himself. It had suddenly hit him that this was the best news he had ever heard in a long time, it may just be the greatest news he had ever heard in a long time. It was like the universal jackpot and he just won the grand prize. He was bouncing on his heels and shaking his fists in the air like an hyperactive kid.

“Holy crap this is great! This is the best! This is like the holidays times a thousand with infinity fireworks! This is the best thing ever!”

As he jumped about like a lunatic, Arthur could only stare at him bewildered. Clearly this was not the reaction he was expecting.

“W-what’s the matter with you?” Arthur was taking a few steps back. “How is this the best thing ever?”

Alfred then skipped over to Arthur and continued with his joyous bombastic act. “Don’t you see Arthur!? This is incredible! It’s like we’re destined for each other!? Can you imagine how everyone will react when you show up!? The whole kingdom is going to go nuts! There’ll be parties a-and fireworks and enormous feasts, it’ll go on for weeks! And you get to be with me, it’s like fate and stuff! OMG, this is like the best thing ever! I could hug you! Well I can’t right now, but when I get you back to the kingdom I’m going give you the biggest hug ever!”

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