Chapter 15

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After the not so successful date with Lady Hamilton’s daughter, Alfred and Yao had to put up with the lower court members trying to interfere once more in the hopes to find their King a suitable consort. Apparently they were shocked that neither Alfred of Lady Hamilton’s daughter were interested in each other, believing that they were a sure thing, and now they were desperate to seek out another maiden for their young King to woo. They did learn that Lady Hamilton herself had just found out that her daughter was interested in someone else and was glad that the whole thing was called off, apparently she herself was just keen to get her daughter into a relationship.

That didn’t stop the lower court members from pleading with the Jack to aid them in finding someone else. Surprisingly Yao actually ordered them all to drop the whole thing and focus on more important matters, arguing that Alfred was still too young for a relationship and forcing him to date someone he didn’t like would only cause him stress. That and he was sick and tired of having to listen to them whine about the whole thing, claiming it was now giving him grey hairs. Alfred was just thankful that they were now going to leave him alone and let him get on with his personal life.

He was also feeling a little better regarding Arthur, though he couldn’t deny he was still a little worried about him, what with that man he apparently lived under and worked for. The stuff he said about being used to it didn’t sit well with him, and the fact that he turned down his offer to move out and live at his place also concerned him a little. How did Arthur end up in that situation anyway? Why live there with such a horrible landlord? He just hoped that whilst he wasn’t there the horrid man wouldn’t show up, and if he did he could only hope Arthur would take his advice.

To try and keep his worries out of his mind, Alfred decided to do some planning. It was late in the morning and he strolled around the palace grounds with Yao following close by, talking about a PR event they had planned out yesterday. Yao got in contact with a local school who were hoping on holding a fair on their school grounds, but the school was too small to hold one, so Yao suggested they hold it at the palace in one of their gardens. It would look good for both the school and for Alfred’s reputation, even though he was quite popular amongst his people. Still giving it a little boost wouldn’t hurt.

“It’s at the end of the week,” explained Yao as he looked over his notes, “which is good because the following week is when the other Kingdoms will arrive for the dinner party.”

Alfred whistled. “It’s already been two weeks?”

“Since you last saw the Diamond King?”

Actually he had been thinking that it had been two weeks since he had been going to visit Arthur, though of course Yao didn’t know that. “Yeah, I guess. I wonder how Francis is doing anyway.”

“You’ll find out at the end of the week,” answered Yao, “he’s coming the day before the school fair.”

Alfred almost forgot. “He did mention he was coming a few days early.”

“Yes, and then on the day after the fair is when the Ludwig will arrive and the day after him is when Ivan will arrive.” Yao flipped through his notes once more to find the information he needed. “As tradition dictates they will stay here until the dinner party and then return to their respective Kingdoms the following day.”

“We’re going to be busy,” chuckled Alfred.

“The rooms are ready to go, but can we inspect them the day before they arrive? We don’t want what happened over in the Heart Kingdom when they hosted it to happen here.”

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