Cartoon Universe Christmas special

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The time of joy and fun had come to Multiverse City. One day before Christmas, Leon and his friends prep up fo this holiday season. Leon is working on the lights around the house right now. Dave and Achilles were shopping for some ingredients and gifts for everyone at the mall, and Ruby was deciding what to get for her boyfriend this year with Mangle

Ruby: You really gotta help me here, Mangle.

Mangle: Don't look at me. I'm not the one who decided to go here int he first place.

Ruby: I just want this holiday to be special for the both of us. We've been together for seven months now and I really want this to be very special.

???: Did someone say special?

A man comes out of an aisle and greets himself.

Cadwell: Good evening to you two lasses. My name is Cadwell, hero of Tamriel and slayer of the Deadra.

Mangle: Hold on, you're THE Cadwell. The one who somehow defeated Molag Bal?

Cadwell: Well not without some elbow grease now. I've heard you had some trouble trying to get something special for your loved one.

Ruby: Yeah, I do. I'm still haven't decided what to get for him.

Cadwell: Well don't fear, miss Rose. I will gladly be of service to you. Just like how I am of service of the Minutemen.

Ruby: The Minutemen? Oh yeah, he told me about that.

Mangle: Well now that you're here, we could use a extra set of hands  for the stuff we're bringing home.

Cadwell: Say no more. I will gladly help a fellow in need.

{Meanwhile back the Cartoon Universe HQ}

Leon: Okay, that should be the last one. And got it. *Gets of ladder* Okay, let's see if this baby works.

He pushes a button on a remote to light up the house with green, red, blue, yellow, purple, pink, and orange lights.

Leon: Now THAT is a Christmas house.

Sonic: *Speeds in* How buddy. I see you got the lights on.

Leon: You know, Dracula and his monster friends along with the Dwarfs are doing thier own decorating inside the house.

Inside the house, Doc and Dracula were supervising the ones who are working on the Christmas decorations. Harry used his old wrappings to wrap some Christmas presents, despite it to have a strange smell. Greg and Frankenstein are outside building snowmen with Dopey. Lizzy was in the kitchen making her own kind of eggnog.

Lizzy: *Cackles* The eggs of a chicken. The eye of a troll. The essence of a soul, and finally, the milk of cow.

She puts the ingredients together and starts stirring the cauldron full of eggnog and casts a spell to finish the process.

Lizzy: It is done, my pretties.

Leon and Dave, along with some other people who came back from I'm thier own shopping, went inside to see their friends already decorating for the festive season.

Leon: Hey guys, we...*Sniffs the air* augh...

Yang: What is that smell?

Lizzy: What it's my latest brew, the witch-nog.

Grumpy: That sounds stupid.

Spongebob: And probably delicious.

Lizzy: Here, have a taste.

Yang and Spongebob take the cup sample. As they drink, Yang immediately spits it out while Spongebob just drinks the whole thing.

Yang: Augh! What was in that Nog!

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