Chapter 7

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I sigh walking home ready for hell. Dad was home... I walk in and hear a growl from my father. "You dumb ass bitch why are you inside?! You know the rule!" He snarls at me I walk to my room Denki had gone on a walk I wait for ten minutes ready for the fight. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Dad yells slamming my door.

"DON'T FUCKING TALK TO ME BASTARD!" I scream ears and tail showing my fangs sharp and nails claw-like. 

"I SAID GET OUT YOU FUCKING SLUT!" He yells his ears and tail showing.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BASTARD! I'M NOT LEAVING THIS IS MY HOUSE!" I scream he grabs me and throws me out the house I land on my side dad storms out not noticing the kids from school that had stopped to watch.

"YOU GONNA CALL ME A BASTARD AGAIN?!" He yells in my face we both wolf out. He had scruffy blonde  fur like his hair with black accents. And I had beautiful H/C fur like my mother's hair. We locked in battle me slamming him to the ground he kicks me off and I hit the side of the house which was made of brick. I run at him and he bites my arm/leg tearing a chunk of my flesh from my body. Mother comes outside.

"LEAVE YOUR FATHER ALONE Y/N! YOU SHOULD OBEY HIM!" Mom yells over our growling and snarling. I snarl at her covered in blood dad nearly perfect I form back and begin to cough up blood as Denki returns.

"Fuck off you're supposed to be my mom and love me but the second he comes home you fucking yell at me, where the fuck is the logic in that?" I ask walking away and into the woods well more of limping into the woods unaware I was being followed I began a hunt focusing on the scent of a rabbit ahead, I silently stalked the prey when I saw it I leaped sinking my sharp fangs into it's throat and killing it. I sigh used to these kinds of meals and began to eat the rabbit when I finished I stood wiping the blood off my face from the meal I walked farther into the woods to my cave when I got there I curled up and fell asleep I woke up to see six curious people looking at me Shinsou, Todoroki, Denki, Uraraka, Deku, and Iida all seemed confused. I hid my ears and tail and sighed I had multiple school uniforms in the cave and a few casual outfits I also had shoes and a hairbrush "Don't fucking ask." I snap Denki knew what had happened I walk to the small lake in the back of the cave and began to strip off my blood soaked clothes I waded out into the water it's frosty quality wasn't a surprise as I washed the blood off my skin multiple scars and new wounds that were normally hidden now able to be seen.

"You need to stop fighting him Y/N one day he'll kill you." Denki says wading into the water with me to check my wounds.

"And I'll be happy to die." I say puling away I wade out through the water not giving a shit about the others I dry off and get dressed brushing my hair I show my ears not giving a fuck... The next morning I was running to school I arrive early and ignore the questions the class ask about my ears and tail and Denki. Twenty minutes later he walks in and soon I get more questions. 

"I saw you and that man yesterday... Was he your dad?"'The cave is cold without my pack... I'll need to bring my bedding next time he leaves.' I think sighing.

"Yeah he's our dad. He doesn't really like Y/N that much though." Denki says Aizawa walks in.

"Today a hero will be battling you all to see how strong you are, come on in Captain Dog." Aizawa says. My eyes widen in fear and I hide my ears and tail wishing my fangs were retractable. Dad walks in glaring at me.

"Why him?" I mumble terrified about what he was going to do to me.

"We will start with Y/N since you're our top student." Aizawa says we head to the field.

Me and dad wolf out and begin fighting within twenty minutes I was covered in blood and a few wounds. I leap at him not willing to lose but he slams my head to the ground with a strong paw I yelp out loudly in pain. "I expected better from my daughter. Turns out you're a failure. Why don't you try being more like Denki for a change?" Dad snaps I bite his scruff and toss him into a tree growling. "Either be strong or stay down you can't do both!" He roars rushing me and slamming me harshly to the ground I yelp out loudly in pain shifting to a human my body to weak I stand and get ready to fight him he leaps at me... When he finishes my uniform is shredded to the point I was in basically just a bra and underwear. "Disgrace." Dad snarls as I cough up blood it wasn't a lot though.

"Fuck you." I say flipping the man off.

"Don't cuss at me!" He growls.

"Fuck, Shit, Pussy, Ass, Mother Fucking Damn Bitch!" I say he leaps at me now a human slamming me to the ground. I grab his shoulder both of us snarling and growling. I flip now pinning him to the ground I get up ready to walk back to the line but a wolf attempts to leap at me one from his pack I slide to the side. "It was just training." I spoke in it's language the wolf nods and runs off howling loudly. 

I turn to glare at dad who punches me in the gut. "Weak." He snarles I hold my gut puking up my rabbit from yesterday. 

"Shut up asshole." I snap wiping my mouth he growls ready to keep fighting but I walk back to line. "I'm done fighting this bitch." I growl out a kid gags at the rabbit.

"Y/N!" Denki gasps seeing my wounds closer.

"I'm fine just a scratch!" I say coughing as I smile recovery girl heals the fresh wounds and I hug Denki. "See nothing to bad." He hugs me back and nestles into my neck.

The Fire And Ice Wolf Todoroki X Reader REWRITTEN VERSIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora