Chapter 14

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I wake up and get ready for for school only to get notified we don't need to wear our uniforms, I slip on a tight cropped tank top and a pair of black cargo pants. I grab my phone and walk to class opening the door I see Tokoyami matching my outfit except his tank top wasn't cropped and he didn't have 2 silver chains on the side of it we both wore a skull ring and a choker though mine studded and black like a collar his was his normal choker. "Sup." I say to the bird headed boy. He turns takes one look at me and sighs.

"You look better in the outfit." He laughs I nod.

"Thanks." I say feeling arms wrap around me I elbow the person in the gut on instinct hearing a groan it sounded like Denki. "You shouldn't sneak up on me." I say.

"Yeah, I should stop doing that." He groaned I turned around as the bell rang.

"Ok, so we gonna have a field trip with 1-B a few third years will be helping to look after you guys. Follow me." Aizawa said leading us off we walked to the buses, I stand off in the distance we weren't getting on the buses yet and I didn't plan to take a bus I don't really like the 1-B kids and they don't really like me that much when the 1-B kids arrived I groaned not ready for this. "Y/N! COME ON TIME TO GO!" Aizawa yelled.

"I'LL JUST FOLLOW!" I yell back.

"GET ON THE BUS, BEFORE I FORCE YOU!" He yelled at me I transformed and growled loudly at the man. "Y/N!" He snapped I rolled my eyes. "NOW!" He demanded I sighed and transformed back I walked up to the man.

"I'm not putting up with those rats called 1-B I hate them all." I snarl.

"Get. On. The. Bus." He said glaring I glared back and we stayed like that for 3 minutes Aizawa attempted to growl I growled louder than him and he flinched back. "Fine." He said quietly.

"Thanks, hope you understand that I don't have the patience to deal with those god damn fucking ugly ass rats." I say.

"Language!" Aizawa scorned I rolled my eyes. "Oh and I changed my mind your riding the bus, maybe you can bond with some of the other students."

"Kill. Me. Now." I say darkly.

"Nope now get on the bus before I use my binding cloth to tie you into a seat." Aizawa said I sigh and slowly move my hand to reach for the pepper spray I keep in my pocket I pull it out and open it quickly without him noticing. "And if you pepper spray me I'll make you stay in the 1-B dorms for the next twenty days one night with each of them." I sigh defeated and get on the bus I sit in the back alone Todoroki sitting nearby a few 1-B students come sit in the back of the bus with me I growl and look out the window pressing a palm on it.

"What? You gonna stick your head out the window?!" One of the kids taunted me I growled louder letting them know not to bug me. "Wait do you pee on trees to mark your territory?" The kid laughed I turned looking at him baring my sharp teeth. I snarled fiercely.

"Monoma I think y-" Somebody began.

"Awe does the puppy want me to rub her belly?" Monoma snickered I growled louder. "That's a cute trick puppy, why don't I give you a treat? Would you like that?" He teased holding out a dog treat suddenly I bite his arm blood popped in my mouth Aizawa had looked at all of them so he couldn't use his quirk to mimic mine he yelled out in pain and I released his arm licking his blood off my teeth. "What the fuck?!" He exclaimed.

"Don't taunt a hungry lion with a flock of lazy sheep." I say simply.

"Y/N What did you do to him?" Aizawa asked shocked.

"I told you I don't have the patience to deal with them, which normally results in said person getting hurt." I say shrugging as he tries to bandage the wound caused by my fangs I smiled my fangs shining thanks to the sunlight and add, "Besides you should know I don't put up with being insulted."

"Fuck you, your a monster!" Monoma snapped he threw a quick punch and I whimpered loudly memories flooding through my mind. "You don't belong here!" He snapped. "Mutt!" He exclaimed I whimpered louder the memories and visions getting more realistic to the point where I could feel it.

"Monoma stop your clearly hitting a trigger with her and it's your fault you provoked her and she was most likely hurt and scared." A girl said it sounded like Tsuyu the following word confirmed it "Kero~" I whimpered louder not able to stop the pictures in my mind my breathing hitched

"Y/N?" A voice questioned my vision began to grow blurry.

"What's happening to her?" Another voice spoke.

"What's happening, please talk to us Y/N!" A deeper voice spoke I clutched my heart not able to think straight.

"Panic attack!" Somebody said they sounded tired which confused me why would they be tired. "Somebody needs to get her mind off whatever is bugging her most likely memories according to her past panic attacks." The voice spoke I felt arms wrap around me but I couldn't tell who it was.

"Hey, Y/N it's fine!" A new voice said he sounded like an angel but his voice was sad why is this angel sad, I felt a hand under my chin lifting it I could barely see the people around me something pressed to my lips and I pulled away shocked my vision restored itself and I realized what had happened I covered my mouth looking at Monoma's arm.

"Oh. My. God." I mumbled he was looking at me, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! I just reacted on intsinct!" I say quickly.

"It's fine I taunted a hungry lion with a lazy sheep." He said simply.

The Fire And Ice Wolf Todoroki X Reader REWRITTEN VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now