Chapter 15

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I sigh when we get off the bus and stretch we aren't even in the forest yet. "Can you lead us here?" Aizawa asks holding up a picture I nod.

"Sure, don't complain if it takes a bit to get there, and I'm not stopping if you get lost you get lost." I say leading them into the woods ears and tail visible mouth slightly agape as I scented the air. I lead them to the path ignoring the comments and listening for the river I look to the left slightly seeing my old house along with dad's car parked in he drive. 

I sigh. "So why this cave?" I ask upon arrival.

"We wanted an easy route out of the forest." Aizawa says simply.

"Alright, I'm going for a hunt don't expect me back for a bit." I shrug and turn to the woods walking through the trees I listen for prey smelling a rabbit I silently stalk through the woods keeping down wind I crouch seeing my prey and leap a twig snaps and it runs I crash to the ground shocked by the sudden sound and stand brushing myself off.

"My god! How are you so reckless I almost caught myself dinner and your loud ass scared it away." I snap.

"Oh... Well Aizawa wants to know if you can catch a deer for dinner." The girl spoke.

"Fine, now go." I snap as I proceed through the woods. She followed more careful tracing my steps. I spot a deer and stop shifting my form I stalk forward leaping onto the buck it throws me off trying and I twist in the air landing on my feet I dash forward planting my feet and turning I leap again biting it's throat and tearing the flesh away I transform into a human spitting the raw meat out and wiping my mouth. I smell and alpha... And it's pack.

"That was cool!"

I transform and leap over the deer snarling at the alpha who had come into view a bit later I had defeated the pack and carried the girl and deer back to camp I shift to a human. "This big enough?" I carried it on my shoulders holding the legs. Aizawa gasps at me wounds. "I'm fine, just a little fight." I muse I hear growling and turn dropping the prey I glance around snarling myself as a warning then realize it was a video I calm myself and head to the cave grabbing a med kit I get to work. Denki approaches with my guitar I set it to the side and check myself for more wounds. I felt the burning stares of both 1-A and 1-B. "What?" I growl.

"Nothing you're just really cool! You fought of 20 wolves alone!" A kid says excitedly.

"Yeah, the deer was my kill they had no right to try and take it." I say simply.

"How does that work?" A kid asks.

"Well it was my territory for one so technically I have a right to any prey caught there but those wolves had been saying it was there territory anyways I had already decided if you kill something on my territory you keep it, and I mean I marked everything withing a 100 mile radius basically saying my scent is on everything." I say they all listen intrigued then shock spreads on a few faces.

"Do you pee on the trees?!" Somebody asked I laughed.

"No, I brush against them in wolf form to prevent confusion, Females rub against trees males pee on them." I explain they all look at Denki who turns bright red.

"Does he pee on trees?" Somebody asked.

"No, members of my old pack would but I kind of-" I cut off as a baby wolf rubbed on my leg. "Never mind one lived." I say my voice soft as I pick up the pup.

"Isn't that dangerous?!" Somebody spoke concerned.

"And sleeping next to a giant beast that can rip you to shreds at any moment named Y/N isn't?" I asked with a growl they all looked at me shocked and scared. "Exactly, I'm more dangerous than a pack of wolves clearly by the fact that I beat a pack of wolves without breaking a sweat, and honestly I'm not on good terms with quite a few of you." They all backed up slightly. "Anyways, I wouldn't do anything to any of you to much paperwork but I'll let you know it's 1-B I dislike and the only reason I'm forced into this is because my dad wants me to bond with you all." 

The Fire And Ice Wolf Todoroki X Reader REWRITTEN VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now